The Basal Ganglia and the Motivation to Act

2 February 2023, 3.00 PM - 2 February 2023, 4.00 PM

Ann Graybiel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

online and in-person (USA)

Hosted by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

The NIH Systems Neuroscience Seminar Series aims to increase the exposure of NIH Neuroscience community to broad topics in Systems Neuroscience, which is focused on understanding the function and structure of neural circuit and systems. We have invited worldwide scientists to present their research on various aspects of Systems Neuroscience, such as neural circuit, computational neuroscience, and neurotechnology.

The NIH Systems Neuroscience seminars are open to the entire NIH Community. Seminars take place 10-11am local time, 15.00-16.00 Bristol time.

Join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 161 037 4804; Passcode: 676583)

Further information and future seminars

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Enquiries to Yi Gu <>

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