Working with Industry for Technicians - Opportunity Spotting

7 June 2023, 12.00 PM - 7 June 2023, 2.00 PM

location TBC

Hosted by the Impact Development Team, Division of Research, Enterprise and Innovation, University of Bristol

The workshops will be focusing on how to utilise an opportunity with to work with industry, how to engage with industry and how to effectively communicate with industry partners. These workshops are open to technicians who fit within the BBSRC remit, and who are interested in furthering their relationship with industry or want start a new one. These workshops are free to attend and have been funded by the Impact Development team.

In this workshop you will:

  • Identify your ‘customers’ and understand their needs
  • Identify opportunities and possibilities for collaboration
  • Communicate your value proposition
  • Be provided with opportunity spotting tools ( trends and supply chain)
  • Share insights and learn from others

Register for your free place

Contact information

Enquiries to Lucy Lilwall

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