The Brain Conference: Genetics and mechanisms of complex disorders: highlighting migraine

26 June 2022, 9.00 AM - 29 June 2022, 5.00 PM

Rungstedgaard, Hovedgaden, Hørsholm, Denmark

Hosted by the Federation of Neuroscience Societies and the Lundbeck Foundation (Denmark)

Migraine is a typical highly prevalent complex disorder. There is a monogenic rare subform and GWAS have so far shown 123 common variants associated with migraine. The trigeminovascular system is the “hard ware” of migraine and the importance of several signalling mechanisms are known. Likewise, the pathophysiology has been partly clarified using both human and animal studies. Recent progress has been substantial, and migraine may inform the investigation of other complex disorders.

For further details, including registration and the preliminary programme, go to the event website

Contact information

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