South West Fly meeting

29 June 2022, 1.30 PM - 29 June 2022, 5.30 PM

Aims 2A/B, School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience, University of Bristol, Biomedical Sciences building, University Walk, Bristol, BS8 1TD

The South West Fly Meeting is a Genetics Society national Special Interest Group run by Dr James Hodge at the Biomedical Sciences Building, University of Bristol.  These meetings are for all people interested in Drosophila research but who may, due to geographical, time and financial constraints, not be able to attend the London Fly Meetings. The meetings are regular, informal and consist of research focused seminars given by the scientists who conducted the research. 

This group promotes the mandate of the National Centre for Reduction, Refinement and Replacement of protected animals in research. We aim to facilitate future collaborations, grant applications, teaching and public engagement opportunities involving Drosophila, thereby promoting cutting edge genetics and model organism research in this country.


  • 13:30 - 14.00      Snacks, tea and coffee
  • 14.00 - 14.30      Neural circuit for spatial navigation in Drosophila - Dr Shamik DasGupta (University of Bristol)
  • 14.30 - 15.00      title TBC - Dr Bangfu Zhu (Dr James Hodge’s lab, University of Bristol)
  • 15.00 - 15.30      title TBC - PhD Student (Dr Herman Wijnen’s lab, University of Southampton)
  • 15.30 - 16.00      Tea and Coffee
  • 16.00 - 16.30      title TBC - Hannah Clarke (Dr Gaynor Smith’s lab, Cardiff University)
  • 16.30 - 17.00      title & speaker TBC
  • Open discussion, pizza and drinks followed by Robin Hood pub

Contact information

The AIMS Seminar Centre has an entrance in the Chemistry courtyard/patio area (opposite Cantock or 'Indecision' steps) to the right of the glass-enclosed spiral staircase.

Please email if you would like to join the South West Fly meeting group and if you would like to speak at the meeting. 


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