Asia-Pacific Neuroscience Student Congress- Hong Kong Student Association of Neuroscience Conference 2021

25 September 2021, 9.00 AM - 3 October 2021, 5.00 PM


This annual conference aims to nurture an interest in neuroscience amongst the future generation of scientists, engineers, and doctors by exposing students to the latest research and development in multiple disciplines under neuroscience.

There will be hosting invited speakers from around the world, including the USA, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Australia, and Hong Kong.

The main conference, a virtual event for overseas delegates, will cater to students seeking the latest frontiers in neuroscience research. A pre-conference event, a virtual Education Day and Satellite Symposium, have been specifically designed as an introduction to basic neuroscience knowledge revolving around 7 themes:

  • Developmental neuroscience
  • Genetic, cellular, and molecular neuroscience
  • Cognition, behaviour, and emotion
  • Innovation and technology
  • Intersection of neuroscience with other disciplines
  • Education, advocacy, and awareness
  • Professional development

View the full programme online

Further information on the event can be viewed on their website

The Europe registration package starts at €21 and includes attendance at all afternoon sessions at times suitable to BST

Contact information

Contact with any enquiries. 

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