Choral and vocal groups

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University Chorus

  • Auditioned: No
  • Conductor: John Pickard
  • Rehearsals: Thursdays 5.30 - 7.00pm, Victoria Rooms, beginning 19th September 

The University Chorus is open to all staff and students and to anyone associated with the University. There is no audition and anyone can join, though members are expected to be capable of singing from a score and to attend most of the rehearsals, especially in the weeks leading up to the concert.  This year we will be working on A German Requiem by Brahms, which we will perform with the University Symphony Orchestra on 22 March.  You can enrol online (joining fee £18.00) at the link here. Joining is free for all Department of Music students and for all Year One students in the University who are taking the Open Unit in Choral and Orchestral Performance (UNIV10011) . Please keep your email receipt as confirmation of enrolment and bring it with you to the first rehearsal so that you can collect your vocal scores. The joining fee includes copies of the music for you to keep. Please contact the Music Department’s Concerts and Resources Office with any queries (tel. 0117 331 4044) or email  

University Singers

  • Auditioned: Audition required
  • Conductor: Elinor Cooper
  • Rehearsals: Wednesdays 2.00 - 4.45pm, Victoria Rooms

Bristol University’s most prestigious choir, University Singers perform a wide range of music from the Renaissance to present day to a professional standard. The choir consists of around 28 singers and is directed by experienced professional conductor, Elinor CooperUniversity Singers perform at least three concerts a year, and are often invited to take part in recordings and other professional opportunities outside the university.

University Chamber Choir

  • Auditioned: Audition required
  • Conductor: Daisy Dorsch
  • Rehearsals: Mondays 7.00 - 9.00pm, Victoria Rooms

The University Chamber Choir is an auditioned group of around 40-50 high standard singers, performing a wide and varied range of choral repertoire over the course of the year. Highlights for this year will include a Christmas Carol Concert and a joint project with the University Chamber Orchestra. If you need any more information please email our manager at

University Church Choir

  • Auditioned: No
  • Directors: Sunny Lee and Isaac Powell
  • Rehearsals: Fridays 5.30 - 7.00pm, St. Paul’s Church

The University Church Choir is a friendly, non-auditioned group based at St. Paul’s Church, Clifton (behind the Victoria Rooms). We sing a range of Anglican choral music to a high standard. We usually sing each week for the Sunday morning service, and Choral Evensong twice a term. Other highlights include our Advent/Christmas carol services, Choral Evensong at Bristol Cathedral, Allegri’s Miserere on Ash Wednesday and a summer concert. Every summer we have a cathedral tour, spending a week singing the services in a UK Cathedral. We have a high turnover of music with an ever-expanding repertoire. We also regularly premiere new music by Bristol composers. We have an active social programme and are always ready to welcome new faces 

Find us at Welcome Fair or email

University Madrigal Ensemble (BUME)

  • Auditioned: Audition required
  • Conductor: Tom Davidson
  • Rehearsals: Thursdays 7.00 - 9.00pm, Victoria Rooms

BUME is a 16 strong choir of auditioned singers, who perform unaccompanied music from across the ages. The choir sings a wide range of repertoire from Renaissance madrigals and English part-songs to contemporary art song and jazz arrangements. Each year the choir goes on a tour to Cornwall at the end of the summer term to perform in a series of concerts at locations such as Truro Cathedral and St Endellion. 

For any questions, contact Daisy Dorsch, president at 

Minerva Choir

  • Auditioned: No
  • Conductor: Theo Ball
  • Rehearsals: Tuesdays 5.00 - 6.30pm, St Paul's Church

This friendly non-auditioned choir combines pop and classical music in a fun and relaxed environment. Everyone is welcome whether you have sung in choirs for years or are wanting to try for the first time. For more information please contact 

Schola Cantorum

  • Auditioned: Audition required
  • Rehearsals: Mondays 4.00 - 5.15pm, Victoria Rooms 

The Schola Cantorum is an auditioned women's choir, open only to music students (and joint-honours music students). We specialise in Medieval Music and modern music, often by current Bristol PhD composers. Find out more about the Schola Cantorum.

University of Bristol A Cappella Society

The Bristones

  • Auditioned: No

The Bristones is the mixed unauditioned group of the University of Bristol A Cappella Society, which provides everyone with the chance to sing a cappella. With one rehearsal each week, the group allows people of all abilities and experiences to release their inner Pitch Perfect, singing a variety of music! We perform several concerts throughout the year, including Best Of the South West, where we join other talented groups in one big showcase! This is an extremely fun and sociable group, where everyone is welcome, and the ability to read music is not required. 

Find us at Welcome Fair, on Facebook or email

Top Note

  • Auditioned: No

Top Note is an unauditioned group for the upper voice parts; we welcome everyone who can sing Sopranos and Alto parts – if you can hit those top notes then come along! We sing anything and everything as long as it’s upbeat from Rihanna to musicals! Our MD team is bringing new energy to Top Note this year with a chill yet exciting energyNo previous experience is required and you do not need to be able to read music as teach tracks are provided and other people are always around to help. We are the first unauditioned UoB group to release a video – check it out on our youtube! 

Find us at Welcome Fair or email

The Tone Rangers

  • Auditioned: No

The Tone Rangers is the unauditioned group for Lower Voice parts; anyone who can hit those low notes is welcome to join in our group. We have had exciting repertoire, including Panic! at the Disco, Arctic Monkeys, Michael Bublé and even metal! We run fun and relaxed rehearsals weekly, working towards performing at Best of the South West (BOSW) and other concerts.

Find us at Welcome Fair or email

All Sharps

  • Auditioned: Audition required

All Sharps is a non-competitive Acappella group at the University of Bristol (previously called HotTUBBS) singing a wide variety of music ranging from close-harmony and barbershop to collegiate A cappella. We’re made up of members who want a more challenging yet rewarding experience. We are a non-competitive group, meaning that we don’t enter competitions such as the ICCAs. As a result, we only have one 2-hour rehearsal a week. 

Find us at Welcome Fair or email or find us on Facebook!

The Bristol Suspensions

  • Auditioned: Audition required

The Bristol Suspensions is a mixed A cappella group that specialises in modern music. We have become a hit with audiences across the country, and are known for our unique arrangements, stunning vocals, and high-energy performances, as well as our warm presence within the A cappella community. We sing a variety of music, from pop to jazz to techno – you name it, we’ve sung it! We were champions of the UK ICCAs in 2021, have performed at Edinburgh Fringe every year, released an award winning EP called Red Hot (available on all major streaming platforms). We are looking for beatboxers and singers of all parts to join us for another exciting year! We welcome auditions from anyone who’s interested, no matter your level of experience. You do not need to be able to read music.

Find us at Welcome Fair, on Facebook, Instagram or email for more info!


  • Auditioned: Audition required

Academy is UoB’s auditioned all male-aligning A cappella group. Known for our high-energy performances, we’re a fun-loving group who do everything from competing at ICCAs to recording an international award-winning album! Last year we released an EP called Ad Astra, performed at BOSW, Lukas and Vocal Jam, went to Edinburgh Fringe and we compete at the ICCAs. Our debut EP, Exhibit A, won CARA awards too! We’re looking for strong singers of all voice parts, and are on the lookout for any keen beatboxers as well, so if that sounds like you then come along and audition! We rehearse twice a week and we don’t require the ability to read sheet music, just a good dose of energy and a willingness to learn! 

Find us at Welcome Fair, on Facebook, Instagram or email for more info!

Pitch Fight

  • Auditioned: Audition required

Pitch Fight is Bristol’s auditioned female and non-binary identifying A cappella group. We perform collegiate A cappella versions of anything from Macklemore to Katy Perry. We’re looking for strong singers or beatboxers who like to sing, dance and love to perform so come along and audition. We rehearse for 5 hours a week but the group tend to spend a lot more time together just socialising in and out of the society, so be prepared for your world to turn into a real-life version of Pitch Perfect. We are super excited to continue doing what we love next year: we performed at BOSW, Clicendales, Constitution Ball, LUKAS, Vocal Jam, Edinburgh Fringe and we compete in the ICCAs every year  

Find us at Welcome Fair, on Facebook, Instagram or email for more info!


  • Auditioned: Audition required

We’re Brizzlebox, the University of Bristol A Cappella Society's beatboxing group. Aside from showcasing our wacky arrangements and odd sounds in the various concerts held by the A Cappella Society throughout the year, we also run occasional beatbox workshops to enhance your skills and refine your techniques, hold beatbox battle tournaments, and perform various A Cappella performances. If you can’t help yourself making peculiar noises and would like to join, drop us a message or speak to one of our members. Don’t hesitate to come along and show us your weirdest sounds and craziest beats. We highly encourage people of all skill-levels to sign-up! 

Find us at Welcome Fair, on Facebook or email for more info!

Please see a digital copy of our Calling All Musicians leaflet : CAM 23-24 (PDF, 1,318kB)

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