Our Visiting Professors and Researchers
Our current and upcoming international visitors for 2024/25
As of January 2020 over 450 Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professors (BMDVPs) had visited the University of Bristol. Representing 49 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania and South America these eminent researchers partnered with University of Bristol hosts to explore a wide variety of topics, including:
- Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: The role of the microbiome in a high-risk South African population
- Monitoring Ethiopia's Dynamic Crust with Satellite Geodesy
- Measurement of kinetics of Criegee intermediates with atmospherically important carboxylic acids
- A unified framework for super-resolution and fusion of retinal imagery
- Past analogues for future greenhouse climates: using lipids to reconstruct a Cenozoic global warming event from western India sediments
- Micro-computed tomography of fossilized embryos
- Wild cities: an environmental history of nature in metropolitan and settler colonial cities
- Uncertain ties that bind quantum computers
- The super-rich, inequality and emerging environmental challenges
- The care of children born with cleft lip and palate in New Zealand: outcomes, genetics and environment
- Identifying future research priorities in lifecourse and nutritional epidemiology
- Implementing international human rights treaties in domestic law and practice: a UK-Australian comparison
- Migrations in the Mediterranean region. An intersectional approach to the
study of Muslim diasporas in Europe
- Initiation of an interdisciplinary Plant Wax Research Hub across and beyond Bristol University Departments
- Medico-Legal Responses to Transgender Children: Towards a Model of Gender Affirmation?
- Understanding Performer and Audience Interactions in Multi-Person Virtual Reality
- Women, Power and Religion in Capetian France
- Promoting water as a policy variable in regional and national planning
- Building planets: developing the largest planet formation simulation in the world
Our Distinguished Visiting Professorships Alumni
Home countries of Bristol Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professors, 2006-2018