SW Long COVID / post COVID Syndrome Assessment services – impact and opportunities for SW AHPs (timings to be confirmed)

22 June 2021, 10.00 AM - 22 June 2021, 11.00 AM


This informal network session will be chaired by Carole Langley-Johnson (Head of Operations Long Term Conditions & MSK Wiltshire Health & Care).

Draft agenda:

  • Welcome & Introductions using chat bar– Carol (5 mins)
  • Outcome measures with Rachel Byford. What exists and what are people using? Sharing our regional intelligence. (15mins)
  • BNSSG – chronic fatigue overview from Pete Gladwell physio & Dorset OT / Maria O’donoughe working in Fatigue services (10mins)
  • Group discussion: Outcome measures.  develop a matrix of outcomes used in different services . consensus on core outcomes showing most sensitivity to change (10MINS)
  • Carrie Biddle to discuss where next for these meetings? (10mins)
  • Summary of key points to feedback to SW AHP council – Carol (5 Mins) 

Contact information

For further information and joining details please contact Heather Munro Heather.Munro@hee.nhs.uk

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