Gender Research Centre Reading Group
Keep up to date with the Gender Reading Group
Join the GRC Gender Reading Group Facebook group or email for details
The SPAIS Gender Research Centre is open to all University of Bristol staff and students. We meet occasionally during term time to discuss recently published research on gender, sexuality, feminism, and men's studies.
The GRC Reading Group will meet on the 13th February 4-5 pm in Room G4, 3 Priory Road.
At this meeting we will be reading:
Nancy Fraser’s ‘Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis’. This time we will be discussing Chapter 2: ‘Struggle over Needs: Outline of a Socialist-Feminist Critical Theory of Late-Capitalist Political Culture’.
Please contact Egle ( if you need any further information or want a copy of the chapter. Hope to see many of you there!
The following Reading Group meetings will be held on:
- 27 Feb 4-5 in G4, 3 Priory Road (reading chapter 3: A Genealogy of 'Dependency': Tracing a Keyword of the US Welfare State')
- 13 March 4-5 in G2 10 Priory Road (reading chapter 4: After the Family Wage: A Postindustrial Thought Experiment)
- 27th March 4-5 in G4 of 3 Priory Road again (reading Part II: Feminism Tamed: From Redistribution to Recognition in the Age of Identity)