Good News
At the Bristol Student Union 2017 award ceremony Professor Sarah Childs, director of the GRC, won in the category of 'staff member', on the basis of her fantastic inclusiveness, enthusiasm and dedication in involving PGR students in the work and ethos of the Gender Research Centre.
Postgraduate student member of the GRC, Natalie Jester, was been awarded Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, which recognised best practice in teaching.
GRC PGR member Natalie Jester won 2016 University of Bristol Alumni Award. This award is presented to students who have made an outstanding contribution to the university or wider community.
Maud Perrier was awarded a University International Strategic Fund award to develop a gender, food and sustainability research partnership with the University of Technology Sydney where was a visiting researcher in December 2016.
Dr Deborah Withers' book 'Feminism, Digital Culture and the Politics of Transmission: Theory, Practice and Cultural Heritage' won 2016's Feminist and Women's Studies Association Book Prize.
Professor Sarah Childs' report The Good Parliament report (PDF, 1,330kB) was launched in the UK Houses of Parliament on 20 July 2016.
Rosie Walters' article on Malala Yousafzai was covered by and
Karen Desborough was awarded an Annette Lawson Charitable Trust small grant for her PhD research, entitled 'The Global Anti-Street Harassment Movement: A Feminist Politics of Resistance'.
Dr Elisa Wynne-Hughes and Prof Jutta Weldes were awarded an ISRF 'Small Groups Award' to conduct research, with Karen Desborough, on anti-street harassment movements in London and Cairo - Spring 2016
Professor Sarah Childs received a Special Recognition Award by the Political Studies Association (PSA) in December 2015 for her work on gender and politics and her current project exploring how to make Parliament more 'gender-friendly'.
Professor Sarah Childs was awarded a University of Bristol/ESRC impact secondment to address the UK parliament as a gender sensitive institution. Sarah's secondment, from October 2015 to February 2016, involved meeting with MPs, hosting two conferences and workshops, and undertaking visits to the UK's devolved institutions.
Professors Sarah Childs and Jutta Weldes attended a very enjoyable conference on creative methods of explaining research. Workshops like these are highly beneficial; learning new methods of presentation can encourage participants to be more creative in teaching and to give greater consideration to how they communicate their ideas - July 2015
Prof. Sarah Childs was awarded an Impact Accelaration Grant for a Knowledge Exchange Secondment Project entitled 'The UK Parliament: A Gender Sensitive Institution' in May 2015.
Dr Maud Perrier was awarded an ESRC Impact Acceleration Grant for her project 'Making Mothers: A Critical Making Toolkit for Engaging Young Mothrers and parenting Practitioners' in 2015.
Prof. Sarah Childs interviewed on BBC Women's Hour - May 2015
GRC members obtain Benjamin Meaker visiting professorship for SPAIS - February 2015
PhD candidate Natalie Jester invited to speak at Red Maid's School Conference - February 2015
Conference organised by Dr Maud Perrier is very well received - November 2014
Dr Maud Perrier awarded mobility grant to conduct research in Australia - October 2014
Dr Maud Perrier contributes to prize-winning book - October 2014
Prof. Sarah Childs chosen by students for teaching award - June 2014