The Athena Swan Charter recognises achievements and progress towards gender equality, including representation, progression and working environments for all staff. Using a targeted self-assessment framework, applicants identify areas of good practice as well as identifying areas requiring further work.
The application from SPAIS was commended by Advance HE for its level of support for Athena Swan work at School leadership level, the expertise residing in the Gender Research Centre, and effective approach to flexible working. Additionally, the School’s identification of challenges and opportunities for change were highlighted by the panel as an excellent local-level Action Plan covering the next 5 years.
Commenting on the award, Head of School, Professor Therese O’Toole said:
We have learnt a great deal from our engagement with the Athena Swan process. It has enabled us to identify what has worked well, what work is needed and the concrete actions we can do to make a SPAIS more gender equal and inclusive School. We are delighted to have received the recognition and feedback that comes with the Bronze Award, which will support our continuing efforts.
Professor Roberta Guerrina, Director of the Gender Research Centre in SPAIS added:
We are very pleased to have received this award. The feedback underscored the way we used our research expertise in the field of gender and EDI through the GRC to develop a comprehensive action plan for the School. We will build on this work – both for the work we do on our Athena Swan Action Plan over the next 5 years, but also in the ongoing research of the GRC.
Professor Judith Squires, PVC and Provost and University EDI Champion added:
I am delighted to see our commitment to equality recognised in this latest Athena Swan award for the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies (SPAIS). This is a fantastic achievement, and testament to the great teamwork of colleagues in SPAIS. We now have to 13 Bronze awards, 5 Silver award and 1 Gold award across the University. I look forward to further future successes.