GRC - Gender Question Time
8 February 2022, 5.00 PM - 8 February 2022, 7.00 PM
Terrell Carver, Peace Medie, Rosie Nelson, Rosa Targett, Junko Yamashita
SPAIS Consolidating a Culture of Impact Series Perspectives on Transformation and Policy: Gender, Conflict and Equality
11 March 2022, 11.30 AM - 11 March 2022, 12.45 PM
Rosy Cave, Senior Analyst, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office,
Professor Roberta Guerrina, Director of the Gender Research Centre, SPAIS and
Dr. Roddy Brett, SPAIS Impact Director
Why do ‘anti-gender’ governments promote gender equality?: The WPS agenda in Brazil and Poland
24 February 2022, 12.30 PM - 24 February 2022, 2.00 PM
Jennifer Thomson and Sophie Whiting (University of Bath)
Woodland Road 12 1G5 or join with the Zoom link below
GRC Annual Lecture - Hijacking Women’s Health
8 March 2022, 2.00 PM - 8 March 2022, 4.00 PM
Prof Sophie Harman (Queen Mary University of London)
Ada Lovelace SM2 or online (see below for sign up datails)
GRC Roundtable: Where are the women? Gender, Peace & Security in Ukraine.
15 March 2022, 4.30 PM - 15 March 2022, 6.00 PM
Dr Jenny Mathers (Aberystwyth University)
Dr Katharine Wright (Newcastle University)
Dr Graziella Piga (Independent Consultant/University of Surrey)
Gender Research Centre Research Seminar: Knowledge Exchange and Partnership Beyond Academia: Uncovering the Realities of Experience in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Space
24 October 2022, 1.15 PM - 24 October 2022, 2.45 PM
Jess Brown (University of Bristol)
Priory Rd Complex, E Block, 2E4
Exploring the Global Politics of Conceptualising Queer Activist Critiques of Pride in Asia and Africa
21 November 2022, 1.30 PM - 21 November 2022, 3.00 PM
Dan Conway
Priory Rd 4 B16
Gender Question Time
7 December 2022, 4.00 PM - 7 December 2022, 6.00 PM
Terrel Carver, Egle Cesnulyte, Nazia Hussain, Chris Rossdale, Rosa Targett
Ada Lovelace Building SM2