Participatory research

As we know, digital technologies are increasingly part of our everyday lives - in the form of laptops, mobile phones, wearables and smart home devices. These devices are therefore well-placed to record data about hugely important long-term health conditions such as dementia, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and Parkinson's Disease. Such data is really important because it can be used to improve the management of the condition, to diagnose it or potentially lead to a cure.

While we recognise the potential of the technology, there are risks attached as data capture from such devices can be intrusive. We take great care to ensure everyone working in this space is aware of the complexities of user acceptance and the serious ethical responsibility to our research participants.

We have 10 years' experience of reflecting community views in our digital health research. Whether designing a new research proposal, carrying out a funded research project, designing a device or exploring issues such as ethics and inclusion, we put public participation at the heart of everything we do.

If you are a member of the public interested in the acceptabilty, public engagement, citizen science, participation or ethics of digital health trials please get in touch and we will be happy to involve you formally or informally in this exciting part of our research.

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