
The following projects and fellowships currently receive external funding. If you would like details of your project to be included, please contact

Title of project Funder  Dates   Research area Principal investigator

SWAN: Secure Wireless Agile Networks

EPSRC, GCHQ, Toshiba

2020-2025  Wireless Networks  Prof Mark Beach

BT-EPSRC Prosperity: Next Generation of Converged Digital Infrastructure (NG-CDI)


2017-2022  Connectivity  Dr Robert Piechocki 

MANGI: Materials and Devices for Next Generation Internet 


2018-2023  IOT, Materials, Physics Prof Dimitra Simeonidou
SPHERE: Wireless Communications and Sensoring for e-Healthcare
EPSRC 2000-Present Digital Health Prof Ian Craddock
SYNERGIA: Secure by design end to end platform for large scale resource constrained IoT applications Innovate UK 2020-2022 IoT, AI and Cyber Security Dr George Oikonomou
MARIANNE: Multi-project GaN Wafer Run: RF Circuit Technologies for Resilient, Agile & Efficient 6G connectivity EPSRC 2024-2025 RF wireless communications, Spectrum Connectivity Prof Mark Beach
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