Letters, transcripts and other documents

Please read the information on this page carefully. If you have questions or problems, please contact the Engineering Education team. 

Documents for current students

Student Status Letter

You can generate a student status letter online that confirms your registration at the University of Bristol. Student status letters use information from your student record. Check or update your contact details online before creating your letter.

Get help if you have questions or problems

All of the personal information which will appear on your letter is taken from your student record. If any of this information is incorrect, you should contact the  Engineering Education team.

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Schengen / Travel Visa Letter

This has the same information as a status letter but is addressed to the Embassy of the country you are visiting. If you require a version of your student status letter which is addressed to an embassy, request a travel (visa/Schengen) letter from Student Services. 

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Bank Letters

International students should visit Open a bank account in the UK for information about banking in the UK, including guidance on how to produce a bank letter.

UK students requiring evidence of their student status for purposes of opening a bank account should produce their student status letter as described above.

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Council tax exemptions

Find out if you need to apply for a council tax exemption online.

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Interim Transcripts

Your interim transcript will show the marks for taught units, and your unit registrations for the current academic year. Any unit marks which have not yet been ratified by the Faculty Exam Board will not appear on your interim transcript.

Your transcript is an official University document and the content cannot be modified. 

Request your interim transcript via the University's Online Shop.

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CAS Numbers and Visa Extensions

If you are a current student and you need a new CAS in order to apply for a visa extension, you must obtain advice from the Student Visas team. The Engineering Education team are not permitted to advise students about any matters relating to visas.

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Documents for former students


The University does not complete reference or verification of award forms from academic institutions, government bodies or private companies. If you require confirmation of your award, please see information about Award Verification below.

If you require a personal or character reference, this should be requested directly from a member of academic staff who taught or supervised you (such as your personal tutor, project supervisor or research supervisor).

Find information about contacting people (current members of University staff) online. Please note that references are given at staff discretion, and staff have the right to refuse to provide a reference.

The Engineering Education team is unable to provide contact information for former staff who have left the University.

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Award Verification

The Examinations Office can provide verification of awards to former students and, with permission, to third parties.

A verification of award confirms your qualification and classification. It is not an academic transcript and does not show marks for individual units. You can find further information (including fees payable) and request an award verification letter online. If you have any queries please contact award-verification@bristol.ac.uk. The Engineering Education team cannot provide award verification letters or assist with queries regarding award verification letters.

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Official transcript

This is an official document that shows:

  • The units which have been taken in each year of study
  • The assessment and reassessment (as appropriate) grades for each unit
  • The total number of credits gained in each unit taken and in each year of study
  • The degree awarded, degree classification and date of award (where applicable)

When your final degree results (for a taught programme) are published, you will receive an email to confirm your award. This will include a link to download an electronic version of your official transcript.

Transcripts are an official University document and the content cannot be modified.

Former students can request electronic or paper copies of their final transcript via the University’s Online Shop. Charges may apply.                                            

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Degree certificates

Information about degree certificates can be found on the Exams Office website. The Engineering Education team cannot provide degree certificates or assist with queries regarding degree certificates.

Document format

Unless specified otherwise in the information above, your document will be emailed to you in PDF format.

The Engineering Education team cannot certify or notarise any official University document. The Secretary’s Office has information about certifying copies and notarisation.

Contact the Engineering Education team

To request a document as instructed or in case of queries, please email the Engineering Education team using the following email addresses:

Please include your student ID number when contacting the faculty.

Please allow five working days for a response to your request.

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