Health and safety

Health and Safety Policy 

The University is covered by the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974. This imposes a duty on the University to ensure that staff and students have access to a safe working environment throughout their University career. It also imposes on individuals the duty to act responsibly (specific responsibilities are shown below). 

To this end, the Faculty has instituted a Health and Safety Policy and has adopted guidelines for the assurance of a safe working environment in offices, laboratories and workshop areas. 

Health and Safety Responsibilities for students

Within the context of their knowledge and status, students have a duty to: 

  • Take care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions. 
  • Co-operate with the University in complying with the University's legal duties, for example by complying with instructions and training. 
  • Never intentionally interfere with or misuse anything that has been provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare, eg fire alarms, first aid equipment. 
  • Work in accordance with the instruction and training provided to them, particularly in relation to the use of any machinery, work equipment, transport equipment, dangerous substances, means of production or safety device. 
  • Inform their academic supervisor, or another member of staff without delay, of any work situation, work equipment etc, which might present a serious and imminent danger, or of any shortcoming in the protection arrangements in place for Health and Safety. 
  • Students should report all accidents, work related ill health conditions and "near miss" incidents to their academic supervisor, and where appropriate the School Safety Advisor or Technical Manager. 
  • Students should behave in laboratory/workshop areas in an appropriate manner and avoid horseplay or any other actions that could place them or their colleagues at risk of injury. 
  • Failure to observe this requirement, or those of any safety notices or instructions with which they have been made familiar, is a disciplinary offence and will be dealt with as such. 

On arrival at the University students are required to make known to their supervisor/tutor any circumstances or conditions that may affect their health and safety (such as disabilities, allergies or similar conditions). This will enable the student and the University to discuss and agree appropriate health and safety procedures. 

Each School has its own School Safety Advisor (SSA) who is available for advice and further information:

Name Area covered Phone Email
Donna Exon-Bartlett Electrical, Electronic and Machanical Engineering SSA 0117 45 51115
Selina Bairami Computer Science SSA 0117 45 52221
Andreea Ivanescu  Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering SSA 0117 45 51842 
Tom Steuart-Feilding Engineering Mathematics and Technology SSA 0117 45 60364 
Rahim Ahmed  Faculty Office Manager  0117 45 60903 

There is also a Faculty Safety Team who can be contact at

Emergency Evacuations

Alarms sound continuously when the building has to be evacuated for any reason. When the alarm sounds: 

  • Leave the building promptly by the most convenient route. DO NOT RETURN TO OFFICES TO COLLECT PERSONAL ITEMS. If your normal exit out of the building is blocked by smoke or fire you should follow the green fire exit signs.
  • Maintain silence, do not rush or panic or attempt to pass others and follow the instructions given to you by the Fire Wardens and Security staff. 
  • Follow instructions to arrive at the appropriate evacuation point for the building. 
  • Do not re-enter the building when the alarm stops sounding, but wait until specifically told that it is safe to do so.

If you find a fire or other incident that you believe requires the building to be evacuated:

  • Press the nearest Manual Call Point (RED boxes) to set off the alarm or telephone 112233 (internal) or 999 (external). 
  • Make your way out of the building. 
  • Report to the Porters lodge at the main entrance of the building and report to the person-in-charge or Security staff to brief them on what you have found and where it is.  Your information is critical to the safety of others, please make sure you report. 

First Aid 

First Aiders are provided during normal working hours.  In the event of a first aid incident, look for a GREEN first aid sign/poster and call the number shown. For medical emergencies, dial 999 and ask for ambulance. You should then contact Security Services on 0117 3311223 for assistance. 

Working in the Laboratories

Students must comply with the local rules which govern the laboratories. This and other safety information can be found clearly displayed on the Health and Safety notice boards in each of these areas. A copy of these rules can be obtained from the technician responsible for the laboratory or the laboratory manager.

In laboratories and workshops you are likely to find yourself surrounded by potentially hazardous machinery and equipment that you are unfamiliar with. 

All students, within the context of their knowledge, have a duty to: 

  • Adhere to standard working hours for laboratories and workshops (8 am to 5 pm). 
  • Keep alert, both in your own actions and in knowing what those around you are doing – Laboratories and workshops are no places for horseplay. 
  • Wear sensible and comfortable clothing and shoes and laboratory coats where required. Remove coats and scarves and loose items such as jewellery and leave them outside the lab. These may get caught in machinery. Wear shoes that cover your whole foot, never sandals or open toed shoes.  
  • Read, understand and follow all written Safety Instructions and Notices. 
  • Obey all verbal safety instructions 
  • Report to a member of staff (academic or technical) any matters that may affect the safety of those using the facilities.

Students must not attempt to use any test machine or associated equipment before appropriate training has taken place. This can be organised with the Laboratory Manager or the Technician responsible for the laboratory. 


Further  information can be found in Blackboard,

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