Student publications

2024 publications

CDT student author(s) shown in bold.

  • S. Akromah, N. Chandarana, J. Rowlandson, S.J. Eichhorn, Potential environmental impact of mycelium composites on African communities, Scientific Reports, 14, 24 May 2024, Article number: 11867 (

  • F. Morabito, T. Macquart, M. Schenk, B.K.S. Woods, Continuously extruded wrapped tow reinforced truss beams, Journal of reinforced plastics and composites, published online 4 April 2024 (

  • E. Santana de Vega, G. Allegri, B. Zhang, I. Hamerton, S.R. Hallett, Pseudo-ductile behaviour of fibrous composite Z-pins, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 178, March 2024, 108009 (

  • K. Kong, J. Gargiuli, K. Kanari, M.Y. Rivera Lopez, J. Thomas, G. Worden, L. Lu, S. Cooper, S. Donovan-Holmes, A. Mathers, N. Hewlings, A. Suliga, J. Wessing, S. Vincent-Bonnieu, K. Robson Brown, I. Hamerton, Physical and mechanical properties of nano-modified polybenzoxazine nanocomposite laminates: pre-flight tests before exposure to low Earth orbit, Composites Part B: Engineering, Available online 20 February 2024, 111311 (

  • H. Mendoza Nava, M.W. Holderied, A. Pirrera, R.M.J. Groh, Buckling-induced sound production in the aeroelastic tymbals of Yponomeuta, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 121, No. 7, 5 February 2024, e2313549121 (

  • J.P.N. Uzzell, L.R. Pickard, I. Hamerton, D.S. Ivanov, Novel cellular coil design for improved temperature uniformity in inductive heating of carbon fibre composites, Materials & Design, Volume 237, January 2024, 112551 (

  • S. Akromah, N. Chandarana, S. J. Eichhorn, Mycelium composites for sustainable development in developing countries: the case for africa, Advanced Sustainable Systems, Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2024, 2300305 (

  • J.M. Uszko, S.J. Eichhorn, A.J. Patil, S.R. Hall, Detonation of fulminating gold produces heterogeneous gold nanoparticles, Nanoscale Advances, 2024, Advance Article (

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2023 publications

CDT student author(s) shown in bold.

  • K. Kong, J. Gargiuli, G. Worden, L. Lu, K. Robson Brown, I. Hamerton, Non-destructive evaluation of the curing of a polybenzoxazine nanocomposite blend for space applications using fluorescence spectroscopy and predictive mechanical modelling, Polymer Testing, Volume 129, December 2023, 108291 (

  • M.D. Hecker, M.L. Longana, O. Thomsen, I. Hamerton, Recycling of carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites with superheated steam – A review, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 428, 20 November 2023, 139320 ( )

  • G. Comandini, M. Ouisse, V.P. Ting, F. Scarpa, Acoustic transmission loss in Hilbert fractal metamaterials, Scientific Reports, Volume 13, November 2023, 19058 (

  • Y. Wang, S. Mahapatra, J.P.-H. Belnoue, D.S. Ivanov, S.R. Hallett, Modelling the effect of process conditions on steering-induced defects in automated fibre placement (AFP), Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 173, October 2023, 107702 (

  • M.D. Hecker, M.L. Longana, J-C. Eloi, O. Thomsen, I. Hamerton, Recycling end-of-life sails by carbon fibre reclamation and composite remanufacture using the HiPerDiF fibre alignment technology, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 173, October 2023, 107651 (

  • N. Krajangsawasdi, F. Alvarez-Borges, K.M. Ball, M.N. Mavrogordato, I. Hamerton, B.K.S. Woods, D.S. Ivanov, M.L. Longana, DcAFF (Discontinuous Aligned Fibre Filament) – Mechanical properties investigation on multilayer 3D printed parts, Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 264, September 2023, 110903 (

  • J.F. Gargiuli, G. Quino, R. Board, J.C. Griffith, M.S.P. Shaffer, R.S. Trask, I. Hamerton, Examining the quasi-static uniaxial compressive behaviour of commercial high-performance epoxy matrices, Polymers, Volume 15, Issue 9, October 2023, 4022 (

  • M. Shaibani, Md. Joynul Abedin, M. Sharifzadeh Mirshekarloo, J.C. Griffith, R. Singh, P. Aitchison, M.R. Hill, and M. Majumder, New class of high-energy, high-power capacitive devices enabled by stabilized lithium metal anodes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, Volume 15, Issue 31, July 2023, 37454-37466 (

  • S. Chen, A.J. Thompson, T.J. Dodwell, S.R. Hallett, J.P.-H. Belnoue, Fast optimisation of the formability of dry fabric preforms: A Bayesian approach, Materials & Design, Volume 230, June 2023, 111986 (

  • N.M. Mahid and B.K.S. Woods, Initial exploration of a compliance-based morphing fairing concept for hinged aerodynamic surfaces, Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 136, May 2023, 108244 (

  • R.L. Lincoln, P.M. Weaver, A. Pirrera, R.M.J. Groh, Increasing reliability of axially compressed cylinders through stiffness tailoring and optimization, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Volume 381, Issue 2244, April 2023, 20220034 (

  • N. Krajangsawasdi, D.H. Nguyen, I. Hamerton, B.K.S. Woods, D.S. Ivanov, M.L. Longana, Steering potential for printing highly aligned discontinuous fibre composite filament, Materials, Volume 16, Issue 8, April 2023, 3279 ( )

  • C.D. Brewster, L.R. Terry, H.V. Doan, S. Rochat, V.P. Ting, Hydrogen sorption on microporous carbon/sulfur nanocomposite systems, Energy Advances, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2023, 398-409 (

  • C. de Kergariou, F. Demoly, A. Perriman, A. Le Duigou, F. Scarpa, The design of 4D‐printed hygromorphs: state‐of‐the‐art and future challenges, Advanced Functional Materials, Volume 33, Issue 6, February 2023, 2210353 (

  • Y. Wang, S. Mahapatra, J. P. Belnoue, D. Ivanov & S. R. Hallett, Understanding tack behaviour during prepreg-based composites’ processing, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 164, January 2023, 107284 (

  • C. De Kergariou, A. Le Duigou, A. Perriman, F. Scarpa, Design space and manufacturing of programmable 4D printed continuous flax fibre polylactic acid composite hygromorphs, Materials & Design, Volume 225, January 2023, 111472 (

  • B.K.S. Woods, R.M. Heeb, Design principles for geometrically anisotropic thermoplastic rubber morphing aircraft skins, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Volume 34, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 29–46 (

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2022 publications

CDT student author(s) shown in bold.

  • E. Santana de Vega, G. Allegri, B. Zhang, I. Hamerton, S.R. Hallett, Improving the delamination bridging performance of Z-pins through the use of a ductile matrix, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 163, December 2022, 107241 (

  • N. Krajangsawasdi, I. Hamerton, B.K.S. Woods, D.S Ivanov, M.L. Longana, Open Hole Tension of 3D Printed Aligned Discontinuous Composites, Materials, Volume 15, Issue 23, December 2022, 698 (

  • X. Yu, Q. Zhang, A. Kontopoulou, G. Allegri, M. Schenk, F. Scarpa, In-plane elasticity of beetle elytra inspired sandwich cores, Composite Structures, Volume 300, 15 November 2022, 116155 (

  • C. De Kergariou, B. C. Kim, A. W. Perriman, A. Le Duigou, S. Guessasma, F. Scarpa, Design of 3D and 4D printed continuous fibre composites via an evolutionary algorithm and voxel-based Finite Elements: Application to natural fibre hygromorphs, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 59, Part A, November 2022, 103144 (

  • H. Symons, A. Galanti, J. Surmon, R.S. Trask, S. Rochat, P. Gobbo, Automated analysis of soft material microindentation, Soft Matter, Volume 18, October 2022, 8302-8314 (

  • S.E. Williams, Q. Zhang, C. De Kergariou, F. Scarpa, Investigating the Effect of Relative Humidity on the Mechanics and Dynamics of Open-Cell Polyurethane Auxetic Foams, Physica Status Solidi (b), Volume 259, Issue 12, October 2022, 2200442 (

  • A. Kandemir, M. L. Longana, I. Hamerton, S. J. Eichhorn, Developing aligned discontinuous flax fibre composites: Sustainable matrix selection and repair performance of vitrimers, Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 243, 15 August 2022, 110139 (

  • R.M.Heeb, M. Dicker, B.K.S. Woods, Manufacturing and characterisation of 3D printed thermoplastic morphing skins, Smart Materials and Structures, Volume 31, Number 8, August 2022, 085007 (

  • M.A. Bone, B.J. Howlin, I. Hamerton, T. Macquart, AutoMapper: A python tool for accelerating the polymer bonding workflow in LAMMPS, Computational Materials Science, Volume 205, 1 April 2022, 111204 (

  • C. De Kergariou, H. Saidani-Scott, A. Perriman, F. Scarpa & A. Le Duigou, The influence of the humidity on the mechanical properties of 3D printed continuous flax fibre reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 155, 106805, 1 April 2022 (

  • C.J. Hunt, F. Morabito, C. Grace, Y. Zhao, B.K.S. Woods, A review of composite lattice structures, Composite Structures, Volume 284, 15 March 2022, 115120 (

  • M. Shao, G. Zhou, M. Chen, D. Xing, F. Hu, N. Kuang, & D. Cai, On mode I/II interlaminar fracture toughness of double-sided-loop 2D woven laminated composites, Composite Structures, Volume 286, 15 April 2022, 115311 (

  • G. Comandini, C. Khodr, V. Ting, M. Azarpeyvand, F. Scarpa, Sound absorption in Hilbert Fractal and Coiled Acoustic Metamaterials, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 120, Issue 6, February 2022, 061902 (

  • T. Wu, B. Zhang, M. Chen, D. Cai, & G. Zhou, Flexural properties of electrothermal deicing composite laminates: Experimental and numerical study, Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 170, January 2022, 108527 (

  • A. E. Rivero, S. F. B. Fournier, R. M. Heeb, B. K. S. & Woods, Design, Manufacture and Wind Tunnel Test of a Modular FishBAC Wing with Novel 3D Printed Skins, Applied Sciences, January 2022, Volume 12, Issue 2, 652 (

  • J. Selvaraj, L.F. Kawashita, S.R. Hallett, Mesh independent modelling of tensile failure in laminates using mixed-time integration in explicit analysis, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 259, January 2022, 108113 (

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2021 publications

CDT student author(s) shown in bold.

  • C. Jones, P. Norman, G. Burt, C. Hill, G. Allegri, J. Yon, I. Hamerton, R. S. Trask, A route to sustainable aviation: a roadmap for the realization of aircraft components with electrical and structural multifunctionality, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Volume 7, Issue 4, December 2021, 3032-3049 (

  • N. Krajangsawasdi, M. L. Longana, I. Hamerton, B.K.S. Woods, D.S. Ivanov, Batch production and fused filament fabrication of highly aligned discontinuous fibre thermoplastic filaments, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 48, Part A, December 2021, 102359 (

  • T. Gordon, X. Xu, L. Kawashita, M.R. Wisnom, S.R. Hallett, B.Chul Kim, Delamination suppression in tapered unidirectional laminates with multiple ply drops using a tape scarfing technique, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 150, November 2021, 106627 (

  • J. P. Forna-Kreutzer, J. Ell, H. Barnard, T. J. Pirzada, R. O. Ritchie, D. Liu, Full-field characterisation of oxide-oxide ceramic-matrix compositesusing X-ray computed micro-tomography and digital volume correlationunder load at high temperatures, Materials & Design, Volume 208, October 2021, 109899 (

  • O. Gavalda-Diaz, R. Manno, A. Melro, G. Allegri, S.R. Hallett, L. Vandeperre, E. Saiz, F. Giuliani, Mode I and Mode II interfacial fracture energy of SiC/BN/SiC CMCs, Acta Materialia, Volume 215, 15 August 2021, 117125 (

  • S.W. Grey, F. Scarpa, M. Schenk, Embedded actuation for shape-adaptive origami, Journal of Mechanical Design, Volume 143, Issue 8, August 2021, 081703 (

  • J. Selvaraj, L.F. Kawashita, M. Yasaee, G. Kalwak, S.R. Hallett, Soft body impact on composites: Delamination experiments and advanced numerical modelling, Composites Science and Technology, Volume 208, 26 May 2021, 108777 (

  • M. Chen, B. Zhang, S. Friedemann, G. Allegri, S. R. Hallett, Effects of ferromagnetic & carbon-fibre Z-Pins on the magnetic properties of composites, Composites Science and Technology, Volume 207, 3 May 2021, 108749 (

  • C. Branfoot, T. Young, D. Wass and P. Pringle, Radical-initiated P,P-metathesis reactions of diphosphanes: evidence from experimental and computational studies, Dalton Transactions, Volume 50, Issue 20, May 2021, Pages 7094-7104 (

  • J.P. Stacey, M.P. O’Donnell, C.J. Kim, M. Schenk,From shear centre to eigenwrenches, Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 161, April 2021, 107478 (

  • A. Kandemir, M.L Longana. T.H Panzera, G.G. del Pino, I. Hamerton, S.J. Eichhorn, Natural Fibres as a Sustainable Reinforcement Constituent in Aligned Discontinuous Polymer Composites Produced by the HiPerDiF Method, Materials, Volume 14, Issue 8, April 2021, 1885 (

  • R.L. Lincoln, P.M. Weaver, A. Pirrera, R.M.J. Groh, Imperfection-insensitive continuous tow-sheared cylinders, Composite Structures, Volume 260, 15 March 2021, 113445 (

  • J. Selvaraj, S. Mukhopadhyay, L.F. Kawashita, S.R. Hallett, Modelling delaminations using adaptive cohesive segments with rotations in dynamic explicit analysis, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 245, 15 March 2021, 107571 (

  • N. Fedon, P. M. Weaver, A. Pirrera, T. Macquart, A repair algorithm for composite laminates to satisfy lay-up design guidelines, Composite Structures, Volume 259, 1 March 2021, 113448 (

  • N. Fedon, P. M. Weaver, A. Pirrera, T. Macquart, A method using beam search to design the lay-ups of composite laminates with many plies, Composites Part C: Open Access, Volume 4, March 2021, 100072 (

  • A. Fitzgerald, W. Proud, A. Kandemir, R.J. Murphy, D.A. Jesson, R.S. Trask, I. Hamerton, M.L. Longana, A life cycle engineering perspective on biocomposites as a solution for a sustainable recovery, Sustainability, Volume 13, Issue 3, February 2021, 1160 (

  • C. de Kergariou, A. Le Duigou, V. Popineau, V. Gager, A. Kervoelen, A. Perriman, H. Saidani-Scott, G. Allegri, T. Halak Panzera, F. Scarpa, Measure of porosity in flax fibres reinforced polylactic acid biocomposites, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 141, February 2021, 106183 (

  • N. Krajangsawasdi, L.G. Blok, I. Hamerton, M.L. Longana, B.K.S. Woods, D.S. Ivanov, Fused deposition modelling of fibre reinforced polymer composites: a parametric review, Journal of Composites Science, Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2021, 29 (

  • C. Paraskevoulakos, J.P. Forna-Kreutzer, K.R. Hallam, C.P. Jones, T.B. Scott, C. Gausse, D.J. Bailey, C.A. Simpson, D. Liu, C. Reinhard, C.L. Corkhill, M. Mostafavi, Investigating the microstructure and mechanical behaviour of simulant “lava-like” fuel containing materials from the Chernobyl reactor unit 4 meltdown, Materials & Design, Volume 201, 2021, 109502 (

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2020 publications

CDT student author(s) shown in bold.

  • C.J. Hunt, Y. Zhao, M.R. Wisnom, B.K.S. Woods, WrapToR composite truss structures: Measurement and modelling of mechanical response, Composite Structures, Volume 254, December 2020, 112834 (

  • A.E. Rivero, P.M. Weaver, J.E. Cooper, B.K.S. Woods, Structural modeling of compliance-based camber morphing structures under transverse shear loading, AIAA Journal, Volume 58, Number 11, November 2020, pp. 4941-4951 (

  • T. Gordon, X. Xu, M.R. Wisnom, B.C. Kim, Novel tape termination method for automated fibre placement: Cutting characteristics and delamination suppression, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 137, October 2020, 106023 (

  • S.W. Grey, F. Scarpa, M. Schenk, Mechanics of paper-folded origami: A cautionary tale, Mechanics Research Communications, Volume 107, July 2020, 103540 (

  • Y. Wang, M.K. Chea, J.P.H. Belnoue, J. Kratz, D.S. Ivanov, S.R. Hallett, Experimental characterisation of the in-plane shear behaviour of UD thermoset prepregs under processing conditions, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 133, June 2020, 105865 (

  • P. Aravindan, F. Becagli, M.L. Longana, L.G. Blok, T.R. Pozegic, S.J. Huntley, T. Rendall. I. Hamerton, Remanufacturing of woven carbon fibre fabric production waste into high performance aligned discontinuous fibre composites, Journal of Composites Science, Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2020, 68 (

  • A. Kandemir, T.R. Pozegic, I. Hamerton, S.J. Eichhorn, M.L. Longana, Characterisation of natural fibres for sustainable discontinuous fibre composite materials, Materials, Volume 13, Issue 9, 4 May 2020, 2129 (

  • T. Macquart, S. Scott, P. Greaves, P.M. Weaver, A. Pirrera, Corotational finite element formulation for static nonlinear analyses with enriched beam elements, AIAA Journal, Volume 58, Number 5, May 2020 (

  • M.Y. Rivera Lopez, J.M. Lambas, J.P. Stacey, S. Gamage, A. Suliga, A. Viquerat, I. Hamerton, Development of cycloaliphatic epoxy-POSS nanocomposite matrices with enhanced resistance to atomic oxygen, Molecules, Voume 25, Issue 7, 25 March 2020, 1483 (

  • K. Willicombe, M. Elkington, I. Hamerton, C. Ward, Development of novel transportation shells for the rapid, automated manufacture of automotive composite parts, Procedia Manufacturing, Volume 51, 2020, Pages 818-825 (

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