Recent Alumni
- Dr Rebecca Ward "Evaluating methane emissions in a warming Arctic". Rebecca is now a postdoc at the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
- Dr Kanokrat Charoenpornpukdee "Metrology and measurements of atmospheric nitrous oxide in the UK". Kanokrat is now a Metrologist at the Thai National Institute for Metrology.
- Dr Tilly Hoare "Estimating London’s methane emissions using a novel urban observation system"
- Dr Alice Ramsden "Inverse estimation of sector-level methane emissions using observations of secondary trace gases". Alice is now a Senior Scientist at the UK Met Office.
- Dr Angharad Stell "Using Gaussian process emulation to quantify the global methane budget". Angharad now works as a data scientist.
- Dr Eleni Michalopoulou "Quantifying perfluorocarbon emissions and bridging discrepancies between top-down and bottom-up estimates: a sustainable development and systems thinking approach". Eleni is now a Research Associated at the Stockholm Environment Institute's York Centre.
- Dr Amy Foulds "Global and regional modelling of trace gases and oxygenated volatile organic compounds". Amy is now a Graduate Air Quality Consultant at AECOM.