Mechanisms to Populations Research Strand

Understanding disease processes by fostering collaborations in the interdisciplinary space between fundamental biosciences and population health sciences.

The University of Bristol has a diverse portfolio of research projects, programmes, groups and initiatives in different areas and approaches that are seeking to better understand the causes of diseases with the ultimate aim of improving health.

‘Integrating Health Research: Mechanisms to Populations’ research strand is a cross-faculty initiative that brings together this community of experts to enhance the complementarity of their research and expertise enabling a greater understanding of the complexity of human disease and ultimately accelerating the arrival of therapies into the clinic.

We seek to facilitate this through supporting research by providing guidance on how to take forward ideas, aiding with grant applications, introducing appropriate experts and dedicated researcher time for pilot projects.

We span the space between Fundamental Bioscience and Population Health Science. This covers multiple faculties in the university.


Getting Started

I am interested in interdisciplinary collaboration but have no set idea for a project. What do I do?

Attend our community building events and meet experts interested in interdisciplinary collaborations.

I have an idea for a project. How do I take my idea forward?

Contact us to discuss the idea and explore next steps including being introduced to an expert in that field and applying for funding. The Strand offers advice, guidance and support on advertising mini-projects, PhD studentships, fellowship grants and research grants.

I need some preliminary data before I can apply for funding.

The Strand offers dedicated researcher time to generate this type of data.

I am happy to undertake the work but need guidance about the techniques.

Contact us to have training in these techniques.

I would like to apply for a grant with an interdisciplinary project.

We can advise you on current funding opportunities available and assist with reading and commenting on the application. We can provide letters of support.


Mech to Pop graphic

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University of Bristol Elizabeth Blackwell Institute logo Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research - building new health research communities

The Elizabeth Blackwell Institute nurtures health and biomedical research at Bristol and beyond. We support pioneering and world-leading research to tackle today’s most pressing health challenges, striving to achieve better health for all. We focus on:

•  Building new interdisciplinary health research communities;

•  Innovative health research from the basic and molecular to clinical and social sciences;

•  Supporting early career researchers and clinicians.

Support for Researchers

Find out more about the support we can offer you.

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