Simone Schürle-Finke, ETH Zürich

9 February 2022, 1.00 PM - 9 February 2022, 2.00 PM

Zoom webinar link: Slido meeting number: #599138

Engineering microrobots for biosensing, and enhanced drug delivery

Professor Dr. Simone Schürle-Finke
ETH Zürich
Slido meeting number: #599138
Site specific diagnostics and effective, localized therapy delivery remain challenge tasks in today’s medicine. To address this need, my laboratory develops micro- and nanosystems that respond to disease-specific biochemical cues or non-invasive external stimuli like magnetic or acoustic energy such that they focus their action at the site of disease. In this talk, I describe a synthetically engineered system that is designed to acoustically report information about local proteolytic activity as disease biomarker. Further, I will show how an individual, bacteria-inspired microrobot and swarms of living magnetic bacteria can be powered with magnetic fields to locally enhance transport of nanodrug shuttles to tumor tissues. Lastly, I will present how these bacteria can be further engineered to function as controllable therapeutic vectors themselves.
Simone Schurle-Finke

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