New Academic Staff.

The CREATE scheme (Cultivating Research-rich Education and Teaching Excellence) is the University of Bristol's continuing professional development scheme for academics. It provides academic staff an opportunity to enhance their teaching practice and to gain national recognition for their commitment to developing their role.  

For academic staff new to teaching at Bristol, who do not hold a teaching in Higher Education qualification, there are two routes, both of which will award successful completion with Fellowship:

The CREATE scheme acknowledges new staff’s teaching qualifications and experience when deciding whether staff should be directed to the Postgraduate Certificate or to the CREATE Fellowship Scheme. See the University’s policy on staff participation in the CREATE scheme. 

For staff reporting what teaching qualifications they hold, for the purposes of completing the Staff Record Forwhen joining the University or for updating your staff record, see Guidance for Staff on HESA Codes for Teaching Qualifications (PDF, 192kB) 

New academic staff will be automatically contacted by the team with details of enrolment, alternatively you can apply for the next intake by completing the form CREATE for staff new to teaching at Bristol.

For queries contact:

Have a question?

Get in touch with the CREATE team

Guide to HESA teaching qualification codes

‌Download and view the Guidance for staff on HESA codes for teaching qualifications Jan 2023 (PDF, 301kB)

Policy on staff participation in the CREATE scheme

The policy underlines the University’s commitment to invest in and develop its staff, by enabling those appointed to a significant role in teaching (i.e., Pathway 1 and Pathway 3 staff) to gain professional recognition as Fellows of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). Read more...

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