Development Board

The Development Board identifies and advises on key philanthropic opportunities for the University.


The University is committed to working with its alumni, friends, partners and benefactors in order to realise our shared ambitions. The Development Board helps to deliver and add value to key University strategic priorities such as the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC) and the New University Library, by facilitating discussions with existing and potential supporters; and by promoting the profile of the University in the UK and around the world.

The Development Board

The Development Board is made up of a group of University of Bristol alumni who are leaders and influencers across a diverse range of sectors and communities. The members of this group are passionate supporters of the University and are dedicated to helping it meet its strategic goals through a wide variety of philanthropic activity. All Development Board members operate in accord with the guidelines in the University’s Acceptance and Refusal of Donations Policy and the University’s Naming Policy. 


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