Academic options

Find out what you can study on our International Foundation Programme.

International Foundation Programme Plus

If you have a high level of English you will be placed on this programme.

IELTS minimumLanguage CERT
Trinity ISE
(Level III or IV)
Pearson PTE
IELTS 7.0 with a minimum of 6.0 in writing and 5.5 in each part of the test C1 Expert Pass Level IV: pass in all skills Level III: merit in writing and pass in all other skills 67 overall, minimum 59 in writing and 54 in any band

You will take the same subject units, but different academic English units which will aim to further develop your academic language and literacy through a problem-based learning approach, as well as your understanding of how we communicate and why. During these units, you will focus on your reading, writing, listening and speaking. You will also develop appropriate academic vocabulary and grammar.

Download the IFP admissions statement (PDF, 105kB) for 2024/25.

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You can find more information through Kaplan International Pathways, our trusted education partner for applications and admissions to the International Foundation Programme.

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