
Compare your notes of the behavioural signs of anxiety or fear for the two video clips, to those below:

Video one: Staffy

  1. Ears back
  2. Pacing
  3. Avoiding owner
  4. Crouching, tail held low
  5. Reluctant to come forward or follow command
  6. Approaching and then retreating
  7. Seeking attention
  8. Wide eyes
  9. Licking lips
  10. Tense facial expression: wrinkled eyebrows, closed mouth, tense lips

Video two: German Shepherd

  1. Licking Lips
  2. Whining
  3. Tense facial expression: closed mouth, tense lips
  4. Barking
  5. Ears back
  6. Seeking attention

If you observe any of the behavioural signs of anxiety and fear in your dog, go to the advice page advice page.

Authors: B. A. Loftus, Dr N. Rooney and Dr R. Casey, 2012

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