Compare your notes of the behavioural signs of anxiety or fear for the two video clips, to those below:
Video one: Staffy
- Ears back
- Pacing
- Avoiding owner
- Crouching, tail held low
- Reluctant to come forward or follow command
- Approaching and then retreating
- Seeking attention
- Wide eyes
- Licking lips
- Tense facial expression: wrinkled eyebrows, closed mouth, tense lips
Video two: German Shepherd
- Licking Lips
- Whining
- Tense facial expression: closed mouth, tense lips
- Barking
- Ears back
- Seeking attention
If you observe any of the behavioural signs of anxiety and fear in your dog, go to the advice page advice page.
Authors: B. A. Loftus, Dr N. Rooney and Dr R. Casey, 2012