Academic management

Understand the academic management organisational structure and hierarchy at the University.

View who holds which management post, roles they report to, and roles they manage. 

Pro Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences


Professor Jeremy Tavaré

Roles that this person reports to

Roles that report to this person

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Civic Engagement


Professor Palie Smart

Roles that this person reports to

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education Innovation and Enhancement


Professor Alvin Birdi

Roles that this person reports to

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education Quality and Standards


Professor Kate Whittington

Roles that these people report to

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Enterprise and Innovation


Professor Michele Barbour

Roles that these people report to

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement


Dr Liang-Fong Wong

Roles that this person reports to

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Learning and Teaching


Dr Mark Allinson

Roles that this person reports to

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Postgraduate Research


Professor Robert Bickers

Roles that this person reports to

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research Culture


Professor Marcus Munafò

Roles that this person reports to

Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Science

Dean of Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences 

  • Post-holder: Professor Martyn Powell 

Roles that this person reports to

Associate Dean of Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences

  • Post-holder: Professor Melissa Allen

Roles that this person reports to

Heads of Schools and Centres

Heads of schools and centres report to the Faculty Dean (unless otherwise specified). 

Centre for Academic Language and Development

  • Head: Mrs Maxine Gillway

Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • Head: Dr Tom Ellson

School of Arts

  • Head: Professor Cornel Sandvoss

School of Economics

  • Head: Professor Paola Manzini

School of Education

  • Head: Professor William Browne

School of Humanities

  • Head: Professor Alison Donnell

School of Modern Languages

  • Head: Professor Natalie Edwards

School for Policy Studies

  • Head: Professor Karen West

School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies

  • Head: Professor Therese O'Toole

University of Bristol Business School 

University of Bristol Law School

  • Head: Professor Catherine Kelly


Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Dean of Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

  • Post-holder: Professor Sarah George

Roles that this person reports to

Heads of Schools

Heads of schools report to the Faculty Dean.

Bristol Dental School

  • Head: Dr Barry Main

Bristol Medical School

  • Head: Professor Chrissie Thirlwell

Bristol Veterinary School

  • Head: Professor Tim Parkin

School of Anatomy

  • Head: Professor Michelle Spear

School of Biochemistry

  • Head: Professor Nigel Savery

School of Biological Sciences

  • Head: Professor Nicholas Roberts

School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

  • Head: Dr Darryl Hill

School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience

  • Head: Professor Hugh Piggins

School of Psychological Science

  • Head: Professor Michael Banissy


Faculty of Science and Engineering

Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • Post-holder: Professor David Manley

Roles that this person reports to

Associate Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • Post-holder: Professor Ian Nabney

Roles that this person reports to

Heads of Schools

Heads of schools report to the Faculty Dean.

School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering

  • Head: Professor Ian Craddock

School of Chemistry

  • Head: Professor Craig Butts

School of Computer Science

  • Head: Professor Mike Fraser

School of Earth Sciences

  • Head: Professor Alison Rust

School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering

  • Head: Professor Aydin Nassehi

School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology

  • Head: Professor Anthony Mulholland

School of Geographical Sciences

  • Head: Professor John Wylie

School of Mathematics

  • Head: Professor Oliver Johnson

School of Physics

  • Head: Professor Jennifer McManus
