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Unit information: What Does it Mean to be Human? II: From Modern to Ancient in 2019/20

Please note: Due to alternative arrangements for teaching and assessment in place from 18 March 2020 to mitigate against the restrictions in place due to COVID-19, information shown for 2019/20 may not always be accurate.

Please note: you are viewing unit and programme information for a past academic year. Please see the current academic year for up to date information.

Unit name What Does it Mean to be Human? II: From Modern to Ancient
Unit code ARTF00005
Credit points 40
Level of study QCA-3
Teaching block(s) Teaching Block 2 (weeks 13 - 24)
Unit director Professor. Pettigrew
Open unit status Not open




School/department Arts Faculty Office
Faculty Faculty of Arts

Description including Unit Aims

This unit aims to introduce students to a broad range of topics from, and some of the intellectual questions raised by, disciplines across the Faculty of Arts. These topics will be grouped together in themes to ensure the unit is coherent in itself and that it allows students to understand the intellectual connections between different disciplines.

It further aims to help students develop a range of skills required for study in the Arts and Humanities and to gain an understanding of how particular disciplines may be studied in more depth at undergraduate level. The unit will use the academic content it provides as the vehicle for this development of these skills.

In more detail, the unit has the following aims:

• To introduce students to significant events, movements, ideas, and works of arts, literature, philosophy, and music from Antiquity and the medieval period through to the nineteenth century, with a particular emphasis on understanding how these historical episodes and works contributed to our present day society and its culture.

• To introduce students to primary and secondary source material; to introduce them to the skills required to analyze and evaluate the primary material, to understand the secondary material and critically evaluate it, and to formulate their own ideas in response to this.

• To introduce students to the various disciplines in the Faculty of Arts from which they may wish to choose an undergraduate course as a result of progression from the Foundation Year in the Arts and Humanities.

• To introduce students to seminar-style discussion lead by a member of academic staff, and to help them develop the skills required to contribute productively in these discussions.

• To help students develop certain skills required for study in the Arts and Humanities, such as writing an essay, critical thinking, or responding to feedback.

• To help students develop an understanding of how to present written work in a style appropriate to undergraduate study and to introduce them to relevant academic conventions.

The unit will be divided into three themes (e.g. Reason, Authority and its Discontents, The Birth of the Artist). There will normally be an introductory week, in which the students will consider an overview of the historical period. The remaining nine weeks will be divided equally between the three themes.

Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of the unit, students should have acquired:

(1) good knowledge and understanding of some of the major episodes in the history of ideas from the sixteenth century to the nineteenth century;

(2) ability to relate these episodes to our current society and its culture;

(3) important skills, such as, essay writing, critical thinking, responding to feedback, contributing to seminar-style discussions, and critical appraisal of philosophical arguments, works of music, art, and literature, theological texts, and historical documents.

(4) an understanding of the aims and academic content of a range of disciplines in the arts and humanities.

(5) an understanding of how to present written work to an appropriate standard for undergraduate study and of relevant academic conventions.

Teaching Information

There will be two 2-hour sessions each week:

• A seminar session, which will consist of a series of mini-lectures interspersed with discussion of the content of the mini-lectures and the reading or other set material for that week. This will be taught by a member of staff with research interests in the topic of study. They will teach to the entire cohort of no more than 30 students.

• A tutorial session, in which the material from the lecture session and the set material will provide a vehicle for discussion of a particular skill required for study in the Arts and Humanities, e.g. critical thinking, developing an argument, planning an essay etc. These sessions will normally be taught by research postgraduates and/or tutors with research interests relevant to the topic of study. There will be three seminar groups, each of no more than 10 students.

Assessment Information

This unit will be assessed through the submission of two pieces of written work and one two hour exam. The essays will assess ILOs (1) and (2) and they will also assess many components of ILO (3), especially essay writing, critical thinking and critical appraisal skills. The exam will assess ILOs 1-4, as well as forming an important part of students’ preparation for undergraduate study.

Each piece of written work should be equivalent to 2,000 words in total. The summative mark for the unit will be an average of all three assignment marks. An attempt will be required for each assignment. The work should be presented to a standard appropriate for undergraduate study and should show evidence of an understanding of relevant academic conventions (5).

Reading and References

Gombrich, E. H. (1995) The Story of Art (Phaidon)

Auerbach, E. (2003) Mimesis: the representation of reality in Western literature (Princeton)

Barzun, J. (2001) From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years to Western Cultural Life: 1500 to the Present (HarperCollins)

Watson, P. (2006) Ideas: A History from Fire to Freud (Phoenix)
