Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy

The University of Bristol first adopted an environmental policy in 1997 (now known as the Sustainability Policy) and reviews this policy every year.

The University aims to:

  1. Reduce the environmental impact of the University through better management of its resources.
  2. Integrate environmental and sustainability principles into the University’s operational procedures, educational activities and research endeavours, promoting best practice at every level.
  3. Meet the requirements of all relevant legislation and other requirements and exceed these requirements where they best support the University’s other objectives.
  4. Adopt best practice to ensure the prevention of pollution.
  5. Monitor and regularly review our environmental performance, and set objectives and targets to ensure continual improvement.
  6. Communicate both internally and externally about our environmental performance, including training and awareness for staff and students.

To achieve these aims the University will:

  1. Devise and implement strategies to reduce environmental impact and better management of resources, which will include: Energy management, Water management, Waste management, Sustainable Procurement, Sustainable construction, Transport, Biodiversity, Communication, Teaching and Research, Food
  2. Implement an Environmental Management System to provide a formalised structure for management and review of environmental issues
  3. Provide necessary training and awareness for staff and students.

Sustainability Policy Annual Review

Sustainability reports annually to the University's Estates Committee with regard to progress on Environmental Management and the University's Environmental Policy targets.

Sustainability Implementation Plans

Annual implementation plans (including Transport) that relate to the policy and strategy can be viewed on the Environment Website