
NameDissertation title
Mohamad Al-Batanyeh Youth transition from education to work in Jordan
Harry Benson Poverty and marriage in/stability
Amanda Chappell Data construction and anti-racist commissioning: A case study of Discharge to Assess (D2A).
Giulia Ferranti Punishment, justice and penal harm
Meredith (Guoxin) Fu The power of resilience in delaying frailty among older adults in China and the UK
Cynthia Fonta Impact of colonial legacy on child poverty and health in Sub-Saharan Africa
Alam Hossain Savings-focussed microfinance and rural poverty
Alvin Hui Social inequalities in Mental health among British National (Overseas) migrants in the UK
Paula Ibarra Silva Regional income inequalities in Chile
Mfon Elvis Lowe Asylum seekers and integration challenges in Germany
Ryan Lutz Migrant Integration in Bristol
Yu Ma The impact of flexible work on parent-child relationships: role of gendered childcare divisions
Sharon Martin Women, gambling and harm
Catalina Ortuzar Madrid Labour market trajectories of women drug offenders in Chile
Brian Micallef Housing affordability, satisfaction and migration intentions
Bongai Munguni Multidimensional poverty in Mosambique
Amy Sage Collateral consequences of a criminal conviction and social harm
Monica Sanchez Hernandez (De)colonial notions of masculinity in cases of inter-personal violence crimes
Samir Seddougui Mapping and understanding counter-extremism organisations in the UK
Josh Torrance Implementing education-based drug diversion schemes in the UK
Lisa Wadell Investigation of childhood family and adulthood gender inequalities
Brenda Wan Man Tse Inadequate housing in Hong Kong: a social harm perspective
Ziwei Wang International student mobility in higher education context
Becky White Victim participation in the trial proceedings at the International Criminal Court
Gökçe Yeniev Class struggle and transition to renewable energy
Lijanan Zhang Child Poverty in Rural China in the Context of Globalisation 
Shuting Zhong Overeducation and job satisfaction in China
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