The Bristol Centre for Surgical Research is a multidisciplinary collaboration aiming to transform patient care. We focus on improving early phase studies to understand and promote safe and efficient surgical innovation. We also work to optimise trials to increase evidence-based surgical practice. The centre tackles key questions relevant to patients, clinicians and the NHS and is working to inspire and train a new generation of surgeons to undertake high quality research. We are supported by and collaborate closely with the NIHR Bristol Biomedical Research Centre and the Royal College of Surgeons.

We are working hard to increase the number and quality of surgical RCTs. We also focus on earlier phase studies and how to optimise surgical innovation occurring in research and clinical practice. Being part of the Bristol and Weston Biomedical Research Centre and the Royal College Surgical Trials initiative is central to these activities and we enjoy the many collaborations.

Professor Jane M Blazeby FMedSci

BOASTiC 2024 – Dublin

Monday 9th September to Wednesday 11th September 2024. Click here for further details.

BOSTIC - group work

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RCS Bristol Surgical Trials Centre

Supported by the Royal College of Surgeons, we host the Bristol Surgical Trials Centre, bringing together researchers and clinical academics to optimise and deliver high quality surgical trials.

Our people

We are a multidisciplinary team of researchers, academic surgeons and trainees, research managers, postgraduate research students and professional services staff. Our team includes a fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, an Enid Linder Foundation senior lecturer, MRC Clinician Scientists and NIHR doctoral and postdoctoral fellows.

Our aims

  • To understand and optimise early phase study design to transform surgical innovation in research and clinical practice.
  • To design, develop and deliver trials and prospective studies in surgery in collaboration with regional and national centres in all surgical specialties.
  • To provide a training programme comprising short courses and workshops in surgical trials methodology for trainees and consultants and to increase the capacity for trials through career development of surgeons.
  • To provide specialist expertise for ‘difficult or complex’ trials due to issues with recruitment, outcome assessment or other methodological challenges.

Find out about our COVID-19 research here

Our team are currently “hybrid” working, so may be at the office or working from home.


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