Programs and code

Welton NJ, Willis S, Ades AE. Synthesis of survival and disease progression outcomes for health technology assessment of cancer therapies. Research Synthesis Methodology 2011, 1; 258-271. Program files (Zip, 49KB).

Dias S, Welton NJ, Ades AE. Study designs to detect sponsorship and other biases in systematic reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2010, 63, 587-588. Program files (Zip, 1453KB). Available at

Caldwell DM, Welton NJ & Ades AE. Mixed treatment comparison analysis provides internally coherent treatment effect estimates based on overviews of reviews, and can reveal inconsistency. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2010: doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2009.08.025. PDF (182KB), WinBUGS program files (2KB).

Dias S, Welton NJ, Caldwell DM, Ades AE. Checking consistency in mixed treatment comparison meta-analysis. Statistics in Medicine 2010, 29(7-8): 932-944. Program files (Zip, 30 Kb).

Welton NJ, Ades AE, Carlin JB, Altman DG, Sterne JAC. Models for potentially biased evidence in meta-analysis using empirically based priors. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, Statistics in Society, 2009; 172:119-136. Program files (Zip, 3086Kb).

Welton NJ, Caldwell DM, Adamopoulis E, Vedhara K. A mixed treatment comparison meta-analysis of complex psychological interventions for intermediate and terminal endpoints for patients with coronary heart disease. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2009; 169: 1158-69. Program files (Zip, 212Kb).

Welton NJ, Johnstone EC, David SP, Munafò MR. A cost-effectiveness analysis of genetic testing of the DRD2 Taq1A polymorphism to aid treatment choice for smoking cessation. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2008; 10:231-240. WinBUGS code (ODC, 7Kb).

Goubar A, Ades AE, DeAngelis D, McGarrigle CA, Mercer C, Tookey P, Fenton K, Gill ON. Estimates of HIV prevalence and proportion diagnosed based on Bayesian multi-parameter synthesis of surveillance data. JRSS(A) 2008, 171; 541-580 (with discussion). WinBUGs code 1 (ODC, 54Kb), WinBUGs code 2 (ODC, 55Kb). WinBUGs code 3 (ODC, 58Kb), WinBUGs code 4 (ODC, 63Kb), Supplementary tables (PDF, 69Kb).

Welton NJ, Ades AE, Caldwell DM, Peters TJ. Research prioritisation based on Expected Value of Partial Perfect Information: A case study on interventions to increase the uptake of breast cancer screening. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (with discussion). 2008: 171; 807-841. Program files (Zip, 5Kb). WBDev code (ODC, 120Kb).

Welton NJ, Cooper NJ, Ades AE, Lu G, Sutton AJ. Mixed treatment comparison with multiple outcomes reported inconsistently across trials: evaluation of antivirals for treatment of influenza A and B. Statistics in Medicine 2008; 27: 5620-5639. WinBUGS code (Zip, 120Kb).

Lu G, Ades AE. Assessing evidence consistency in mixed treatment comparisons. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2006, 101: 447-459. Program files (Zip, 634Kb).

Welton NJ, Ades AE. Estimation of Markov Chain Transition Probabilities and Rates from Fully and Partially Observed Data: Uncertainty Propagation, Evidence Synthesis and Model Calibration. Medical Decision Making, 2005; 25: 633-45. For programs and further information Markov disease progression models.

Welton NJ, Ades AE. A model of toxoplasmosis incidence in the UK: Evidence synthesis and consistency of evidence. JRSS(C) Applied Statistics 2005; 54: 385-404. WinBUGS code (ODC, 24Kb).

Madan J, Chen, Y-F, Aveyard P, Wang D, Yahaya I, Munafo M, Bauld L, Welton NJ. Synthesis of evidence on heterogeneous interventions with multiple outcomes recorded over multiple follow-up times reported inconsistently: a smoking cessation case study. Submitted to: JRSSA. Program files (Zip, 7Kb).

Dias S, Welton NJ, Marinho VCC , Salanti G, Higgins JPT , Ades AE. Estimation and adjustment of bias in randomised evidence by using Mixed Treatment Comparison Meta-analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (A) 2010, 173(3): 613-629. Program files (Zip, 26Kb).

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