Senior Research Fellowships

Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs) are two-year awards conferred to distinguished retired members of staff in recognition of their continued contribution to the research at the University. Fellows are not employees of the University and the awards carry no financial resources. SRFs are therefore honorary in character and beneficial to senior individuals and their schools if it is formulated around a specific set of research goals.

Please note: the Senior Research Fellowship scheme has been discontinued and applications will not be accepted beyond July 2024.


Departments/Schools and Faculties will set their own internal deadlines for the receipt of SRF nominations - please check with your Faculty Office for details.

Faculties must submit their SRF awards for 2023/25 by 5pm, Fri 16 February 2024.

How to apply

Please note that SRF are awarded by Faculties.

Expectations and renewals

Analytical reports (2-3 pages) on the activities carried out during the SRF period are required at the end of the Fellowship period. SRFs are renewable, but not automatically so – a case must be made, by detailed reference to ongoing productive research activity and interaction within the Department/School/Faculty.

Key Faculty contacts:

Science - Mary Mussett (

Engineering - Marion Biles (

Health and Life Sciences - Lindsey Watson (

Arts, Law and Social Sciences - Tamara Pullinger (