Research funders and programmes

Research Development have up to date funder intelligence, and recent webinars on many of the funders that we work with (listed below), which you can find on our SharePoint page.

Colleagues within your school or research group are also a good source of information and advice on the funding landscape for your particular discipline/field.

  • UK National Academies and Learned Societies
    • Academy of Medical Sciences,
    • British Academy
    • Royal Academy of Engineering
    • Royal Society
  • Charities
    • Wellcome
    • Leverhulme Trust
    • British Heart Foundation
    • Cancer Research UK

Further support is offered to external applicants, by contacting

In addition to the above funders, we support the International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) funding programme, delivered by the UK's leading research bodies. The following external links should help you find relevant funding on their webpages: