Phase 2: Qualitative work

Qualitative interview with patients

Qualitative contrasting case studies

Resources and documentation: qualitative work

Qualitative interviews with patients

We will interview up to 30 patients to understand their experiences and views of using (or not) the electronic medical test services offered by their general practice, and to identify facilitators or barriers to their use.

All general practices involved in the retrospective data collection will be asked to help recruit patients to participate in a qualitative interview.

Practices will be asked to:

  • Extract a list of all patients (aged 18+) that have had a medical test for which electronic test results were offered in the last 4 weeks.
  • Allocate an anonymised ID to the selected patients so that the University of Bristol study team can then randomly select patients to approach.
  • Send the interview invitations on behalf of the University of Bristol study team. This pack will include an invitation letter, information sheet and postal consent form.
  • Send one follow-up letter to all patients who have not responded within two weeks of the initial contact.
  • Forward all responses to the University of Bristol study team.

Qualitative contrasting case studies

To help us understand the views of general practitioners and other practice staff about medical test result services offered to patients, we will ask the general practices taking part in the retrospective data collection to act as qualitative case studies.

What will this involve?


The study team will carry out observations to help identify how electronic medical test result services are incorporated into routine practice. This will involve members of the study team observing general practice services that are affected by electronic test results services, such as telephone reception staff.


In order to explore professionals’ experiences and views of the medical test result services offered by their general practice, we will carry out semi-structured interviews with:

  • healthcare professionals directly responsible for managing patients’ care (for example: GPs, nurse practitioners)
  • other staff members who influence or have been affected by the delivery (or not) of the medical test result services (for example: senior managerial staff, administrators, receptionists).

Each participant will be paid for their time by the University of Bristol research team. The level of financial reimbursement will be in line with the amounts outlined by the Clinical Research Network Service Support Cost remuneration rates.

Resources and documentation: Qualitative work

HRA statements of activities and schedules of events

HRA Statement of Activities for Participating NHS Organisations in England (PDF, 308kB) - Patient interviews

HRA schedule of events – Patient interviews (Office document, 660kB)

HRA Statement of Activities for Participating NHS Organisations in England (PDF, 310kB) - Contrasting case studies

HRA schedule of events – Contrasting case studies (Office document, 660kB)

Approved study documentation: patient interviews

Patient invitation letter (Office document, 75kB)

Patient information sheet (PDF, 196kB)

Patient postal consent form (PDF, 153kB)

Follow-up patient covering letter (Office document, 77kB)

Outline of patient interview topic guide (PDF, 174kB)

Patient interview consent form (PDF, 128kB)

Patient demographic questionnaire (PDF, 245kB)

Approved study documentation: contrasting case studies

Practice staff invitation letter (PDF, 156kB)

Practice staff interview consent form (PDF, 130kB)

Outline of practice staff interview topic guide (PDF, 176kB)

Service Support Costs

SSC Agreement Letter - ACCESS West of England 19-19-19 (PDF, 178kB)

Other documentation

The Access Study information poster (PDF, 154kB)

Confidentiality Advisory Group letter of support (PDF, 192kB)

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