HPIG events

We meet in the final week of each month on alternate Tuesday/Thursday lunch times from 1-2pm. Meetings are informal and friendly, and led by members of the group or invited speakers on a relevant topic or research paper. If you would like to come to a meeting, or present a question or topic to the group, please contact us.

 2024 events:

JAN Tues 23 (1pm)

Communication interventions for countering vaccine misinformation - results of a systematic review

Dr Clare French, UoB  Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
FEB Thurs 22 (1pm)

 Development of a multi-level intervention to improve inpatient sleep (ASLEEP): consultation, behavioural theory mapping, and key recommendations

Watch the recording here: ASLEEP intervention presentation

Dr Anna Hurley-Wallace, UoB  Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
MARCH Tues 26 (1pm)

 Determinants of maternal vaccination inequity in England: the maternity staff perspective

Watch the recording here: Maternal vaccination presentation

Dr Emma Anderson, UoB   Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
APRIL Thurs 25 (1pm)

Widening engagement in behaviour change research

Watch the recording here: widening engagement presentation

Dr Anna Davies, UoB

Samina Baig, Caafi Health

 Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
MAY no meeting n/a n/a n/a
JUNE Thurs 27 (1pm)

Realist synthesis- a review looking at the context and mechanisms of interventions to prevent childhood obesity in UK

Watch the recording here: Realist synthesis

Dr Sharea Ijaz, ARC West  Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
JULY Tues 16 (1pm)

Engaging migrant communities in family health research: learning from involvement

Watch the recording here: Involvement

Lola von Kietzell and Dr Anna Pease, UoB  Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
AUG no meeting  n/a  n/a  n/a
SEPT Thurs 26 (1pm) Increasing the use of intervention development and evaluation frameworks in public health practice: Developing and testing the Six Steps to Quality Intervention Development (6SQuID) training programme Dr Jillian Manner, University of Edinburgh  Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
OCT Tues 29 (1pm)      Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
NOV Thurs 28 (1pm) title tbc Dr Justine Anthony, University of Leicester  Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
DEC no meeting  n/a  n/a  n/a


Details, recordings and links for previous events:

2023 events:

MONTH DATE TOPIC                                                                         PRESENTER VENUE
Thurs 26
Using the COM-B and TDF to identify behavioural influences on infant care practices related to sudden infant death syndrome
* Recording will be posted here at the end of Feb *
Dr Kate Shiells, University of Oxford Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
Tues 28
Journal Club - discussion of:
V Braun & V Clarke (2023) Is thematic analysis used well in health psychology? A critical review of published research, with recommendations for quality practice and reporting Health Psych Review, DOI: 10.1080/17437199.2022.2161594
Watch the recording of this session: Jen Cox recording
Dr Jen Cox, UoB Online (Zoom). Contact us for link


'Don't be Poor' Collaborative approaches to health behaviour change interventions - in-person workshop
See our special events page for details 
Dr Anna Pease, HPIG team plus 3 keynote speakers
See special events page for details
See special events page for details
APR Thurs 27 (1pm) *rebooked*

Using behavioural science to explore impact and implementation of health professional training courses in Low- and Middle- Income Countries

Watch the recording of this session: Dr Dharni and Dr Bull recording


Dr Nimarta Dharni and Dr Eleanor Bull,
University of Manchester
Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
Thurs 25

Just-In-Time Adaptive intervention - using technology to deliver individualised and targeted behavioural support

Watch the recording of this session: Just-in-Time Adaptive interventions


Dr Amberly Brigden and Lauren Thompson, UoB  Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
Tues 27

The Strategic Behavioural Analysis: using the Behaviour Change Wheel to improve public health interventions in a policy setting

Watch the recording of this session: Dr Lucy Porter - Behaviour Change Wheel in public health

Dr Lucy Porter, UK Gov - Dept of Health & Social Care

Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
Thurs 27 (1pm)

Can ‘respectful reflexivity’ save us?! Recognising tensions and the need for sensitivity in the delivery of health inequalities research, within multi-disciplinary clinical teams. 

Dr Jess Wheeler, UoB Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
AUG no meeting
SEPT Tues 26 (1pm)

Evaluating the addition of preconception health support to integrated sexual and reproductive health services in BNSSG 

Watch the recording of this session: Dr Michael Daly - preconception health

Dr Michael Daly, UoB Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
OCT Thurs 26 (1pm)

Just-In-Time Adaptive interventions part 2: 'stopWatch' - developing and evaluating the feasibility of a smartwatch-based smoking relapse intervention

Watch the recording of this session: Chris Stone - 'stopWatch'

Chris Stone, UoB Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
NOV Tues 28 (1pm)

 Exploring the Role of ChatGPT in Rapid Intervention Text Development (link to publication is here)

Dr Hannah Bowers, UoB Online (Zoom). Contact us for link
DEC no meeting

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