Somerset and Avon Survey of Health (SASH)

Recruitment for the SASH study ceased in 1995. 

SASH Study 1993-5:

The SASH study was set up between 1993-5 at the then Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol (now Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol). Consent was sought to access medical records from hospitals and GP practices, and to obtain copies of previous x-rays. SASH participants were also invited to attend an x-ray examination.

Follow-up SASH Hip & Knee Study 2002-3:

In 1998, the researchers involved in the SASH study obtained funding for three sub-studies linked to the original study.

One of these sub-studies was the Follow-up SASH Hip & Knee Study. This followed up some of the participants from the original SASH study who had hip and knee symptoms. It took place in 2002-2003.

It had two stages:

1) In the first stage, consent was sought to obtain copies of x-rays of hips and knees taken in the last six months, and to access medical records from hospitals and GP practices.

2) In the second stage, consent to have hip and knee x-rays was taken.

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