Bristol University Day Nursery is primarily for students and staff of the University of Bristol. Priority will be given in order as listed, (as per our Admissions policy (PDF, 231kB) undergraduate students, post graduate students, siblings of those who already attend the nursery and university staff. The minimum number of sessions a child has to attend is four sessions* or two whole days. All children will be considered fairly irrespective of gender, race or disability.
The nursery operates a waiting list system and on receipt of a returned application form the child will be put on to the waiting list. On the acceptance of an offer for a place at the nursery a refundable deposit of the equivalent of four weeks fees will secure a place for the child. This deposit is refunded when the child leaves the nursery, provided that eight weeks’ notice is given.
Please note that places at the nursery are allocated to the general public only when demand from parents who study or work in the University has been met. Places are limited and we usually have a long waiting list!
The Nursery is registered by Ofsted Early Years to take children from the age of 0 to 5 years.
The nursery is typically open from 8.30am until 5.30pm from Monday to Friday. The nursery is open these times except for Bank Holidays, days when the University is closed and staff training days after the Easter and August Bank holidays. There may be times when the nursery has to close due to unforeseen circumstances such as bad weather or the spread of illness or disease, parents will be notified on the nursery website and then by email. All annual closure dates are available on the Nursery website(
When the child joins the nursery a sum of £5.00 is payable. This charge formally constitutes parents’ membership of the University Nursery Parents Association, in which it is hoped they will play an active part.
*sessions available are 8.30-12.30, 8.30-13.30 (includes lunch), 12.30-17.30 (includes lunch) or 13.30-17.30.
Please download and print the Application Form (Office document, 437kB) When filling in contact information, please ensure that the e-mail address you provide will always be used (even on maternity leave) so we can be sure to offer you a place if available! Then fill it in and send it to: or
The Nursery Manager
Bristol University Day Nursery
34 St Michael's Park
Bristol BS2 8BW
Note: If your child has yet to be born please write 'unknown' for Child's forename(s).