We are delighted to have been awarded the Bristol Standard Quality Improvement certificate.
We are delighted to have been awarded our Bristol Standard for this year.
"The Bristol Standard is a self-evaluation framework that is used by early years practitioners and play workers to enable them to take part in reflective discussions around ten dimensions of quality to identify their current strengths and targets for improvement. This is an annual cycle which settings complete and then submit for validation." Bristol Standard.
We had some lovely feedback from our submission.
"the opportunities that children have for risk taking and independence was clearly evident. The pictures of the outdoor risky play were lovely to see and we certainly could see the joy on the children’s faces."
"Your strength in supporting children’s home languages was clearly evidenced throughout your submission. The language board and photos of parents demonstrates your commitment to encouraging their first language. The displays you evidenced really captured how you bring learning to life within your setting."
A huge well done to our brilliant team.