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Bristol’s universities first to commit to the international SDG Accord

14 September 2017

University of Bristol and UWE Bristol are the first UK higher education institutions to commit to the SDG Accord launched at the World Environmental Education Congress in Vancouver on 9 September 2017.

The SDG Accord is the University and College sector’s collective response to inspire, celebrate and advance the critical role that education has in delivering the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

By signing the SDG Accord Bristol’s universities have committed to each other and other institutions around the World to do more to deliver the goals. The universities will report annually on their progress towards the SDGs and will share learning both nationally and internationally. The SDG reporting metrics will be presented at the annual UN High Level Political Forum.

Pro-Vice Chancellor Judith Squires, University of Bristol and Assistant Vice Chancellor James Longhurst, UWE Bristol, commented: “University of Bristol and UWE Bristol are pioneering university collaboration through our Skills Bridge project that connects the Bristol community with both universities to solve local challenges through student volunteering, internships and research projects.

“Our joint signing of the SDG Accord demonstrates our on-going commitment to working together with the City to embed the Sustainable Development Goals at both universities.”

The Bristol Green Capital Partnership has also signed the SDG Accord to commit to supporting the universities to continue this work. Together they are working with organisations across the City to form the Bristol SDG Alliance, a group that will lead on localising the SDGs in Bristol. 

University students, academics and staff can pledge their support for the SDG Accord online.

Further information

Find out more about what the University of Bristol is doing to meet its sustainability goals at

For those in Bristol interested in the SDGs, Bristol Green Capital Partnership is hosting a panel event on the how cities internationally are using the Goals in practice, as part of the Festival of the Future City on 19 October 2017.

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