An online map and mobile app will use pictures, oral history recordings, archival documents and personal stories to bring hidden LGBT+ histories to light.
The project was brought together by local LGBT+ history group OutStories Bristol, working with the University of Bristol, Bristol City Council and Bristol Record Office, and was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
The app allows users to explore this history on the move and in the very places referred to on the map. The map can be accessed on OutStories Bristol's own website, where visitors can contribute their own stories. It can also be viewed on Bristol City Council's Know Your Place site, which brings multiple layers of Bristol's diverse history together.
Andrew Foyle, co-chair of Outstories Bristol, said: "We're really excited about the new map and the possibilities it will bring for engagement within LGBT+ communities and beyond. This is all about reclaiming a sense of our past which, on the local stage, has never been written down before. LGBT+ people have been around throughout history, we didn't just appear in the 1960s. In the current political and social climate, establishing these facts will be hugely significant.
"Bristol has never had the resources for an LGBT+ community project on this scale, and we're really grateful for the fantastic work put in by the University of Bristol and the Arts and Humanities Research Council, which funded it."
Dr Nate Eisenstadt, from the university's Department of History, said: "We knew about OutStories from the impressive LGBT history work they'd done as part of Revealing Stories at Bristol’s M Shed. They knew about us from the community historical mapping we have been doing with Know Your Bristol. When they suggested an LGBT+ history mapping project, it seemed like a perfect match. We can’t wait for people to see the results."
Mark Small, from Bristol Record Office, said: "We wanted to put Bristol's LGBT+ history in the mainstream – that’s why putting a layer on the Know Your Place Site and depositing the archives that have been collected at Bristol Record Office was so important."
The OutStories and the University's Know Your Bristol team will be at the Bristol Pride festival, showcasing the map on a big screen from their mobile engagement truck parked between Millennium Square and the amphitheatre.
To get the app, search your Google Play or the Apple App Store for "Mapping LGBT Bristol".