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App helps people to plan for Bristol Green Doors

A still from the animation that showcases the app

Press release issued: 10 September 2014

Over 20 properties will be taking part in this weekend’s Bristol Green Doors open home event [Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 September] and visitors will have the opportunity to take full advantage of them thanks to the Digital Green Doors Android and iPhone smartphone and tablet application.

The app, produced by academics from the University of Bristol’s Department of Computer Science, allows visitors to not only see where the houses are located and which retrofitting measures are installed but it can also be used to record notes, contact householders, and even help users decide which houses to visit by filtering properties based on location, age, building type and measures installed.

Using the QR scanner within the app, users can collect data about a household’s retrofitting measures.  This is assembled into a personalised report with links to suppliers and additional information, which can be accessed online after the event through the Digital Green Doors website.

Dr Elaine Massung, research assistant in the Department of Computer Science, said: “Household retrofitting has been shown to reduce domestic energy use by 45-80 per cent. However, a common barrier to uptake is the lack of reliable, non-technical information. The application has been developed to be used in conjunction with retrofitting open home events, like Bristol Green Doors, to assist the organisers in tracking their event’s impact, whilst also helping users in the decision-making processes that surround retrofitting.”

This year an animation to bring the app (and Bristol) to life has been made for the Digital Green Doors project ahead of the Bristol Green Doors event.

The app, as well as an in-browser version, is available for iPhones and iPads through the App Store or Android systems through Google Play.  Search “Greendoors”.

Bristol Green Doors will take place in homes across the city including: Bedminster and Brislington; Clifton and Cotham; Stoke Bishop and St Andrews; Whitehall and Westbury on Trym on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 September from 12 noon to 6 pm.

Further information

About Digital Green Doors

Digital Green Doors is a research project investigating how technology can be used to help people gather information about retrofitting. 

For more information and to participate in the project please email

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