Upload your work to Pure
All journal articles and formal conference proceedings (i.e. with an ISSN) must be deposited in a repository within three months of acceptance.
What you need to do
Once you receive notification from your publisher that your article has been accepted:
1. Create a Pure record including the full date of acceptance;
2. Upload the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) to the Pure record;
3. Click 'save' to send to the open access team for checking.
This short tutorial will show you how to upload a new record to Pure:
There is also a print guide: How to create a Pure record for an accepted manuscript
Please contact us if you have further questions.
What the open access team will do
Open access staff in the library will check all Pure records which have documents attached. They will:
- Check the publisher copyright to ensure that public posting is permitted;
- Set an embargo period where necessary;
- Process the record so it will appear on the Bristol Research Portal at the appropriate time.
Previous work
You don't need to make your back catalogue open access, it's more important to focus on doing it from now on. If you want to quickly add previous research, our video on importing your research to Pure will help.
Because all files will need to be reviewed by our team, we ask that you avoid uploading full text files for publications that are open access elsewhere, or more than two years old.
REF Open Access exception request form
Request an exception to the open access requirements of the next REF for a specific paper.