The Infection and Immunity Annual Symposium 2021: Emerging Zoonoses

17 November 2021, 1.30 PM - 17 November 2021, 5.45 PM

Keynotes: Dr Kathryn Allan (University of Glasgow), Prof Eric Fevre (University of Liverpool), Prof Leah Cowan (University of Toronto)

hybrid event: limited in-person and virtual

Hosted by the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Infection and Immunity Research Network.

Zoonoses are diseases and infections naturally transmitted between people and vertebrate animals. There are three classes of zoonosis: 

  • endemic zoonoses which are present in many places and affect many people and animals
  • epidemic zoonoses which are sporadic in temporal and spatial distribution
  • emerging and re-emerging zoonoses which are newly appearing in a population or have existed previously but are rapidly increasing in incidence or geographical range, such as Rift Valley fever, SARS, and the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) 

It is estimated that, globally, about one billion cases of illness and millions of death occur every year from zoonoses. Some 60% of emerging infectious diseases that are reported globally are zoonoses; over 30 new human pathogens have been detected in the last three decades, 75% of which have originated in animals.  

Join the Infection and Immunity Research Network for this half-day event which will explore this topic, on a local and global scale, in more detail. 

Registration is FREE, all are welcome

To register go to


  Speaker Institution Title


13.30-13.50 Fernando Sanchez-Vizcaino (Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Public Health) University of Bristol Updating the epidemiology of canine leishmaniasis in the UK and its implications for human health
13.50-14.10 Laura Rivino (Immunologist) University of Bristol Deciphering the human T cell response to Dengue virus
14.10-14.40 Kathryn Allan (University Clinician (Veterinary Pathology, Public Health & Disease Investigation) University of Glasgow One Health Strategies for surveillance of zoonoses - insights from sentinel site and syndromic surveillance in Tanzania
14.40-15.10 Eric Fèvre (Chair of Veterinary Infectious Diseases: Livestock and One Health) University of Liverpool Surveillance for the emergence of zoonoses in intensifying food systems in the tropics
  SESSION 2    
15.40-16.00 Mick Miller (Farm Animal Pathologist) University of Bristol

“Where there’s livestock there’s deadstock”: Surveillance for new and emerging diseases via post-mortem examination of farm animals

16.00-16.20 Andrew Davidson (Professor of Systems Virology) University of Bristol

The role of the furin cleavage site in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in viral infection

16.20-16.40 Richard Wall (Professor of Zoology) University of Bristol Measuring the prevalence of ticks and tick-borne disease in the UK: lessons from large-scale surveillance
16.40-17.10 Leah Cowan (Canada Research Chair in Microbial Genomics and Infectious Disease) University of Toronto

Identifying vulnerabilities in fungal pathogens through functional and chemical genomic analyses

17.10-17.40 DISCUSSION PANEL    
17.40-17.45 ROUND-UP AND CLOSE    

Contact information

Contact Catherine Brown with any enquiries. 

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