MESS meeting: Mixed methods (qual and quant) use and issues

12 February 2020, 12.00 PM - 12 February 2020, 1.00 PM

Dr Alyson Huntley (Senior Research Fellow in Primary Care)

G11, Canynge Hall

The Methods in Evidence Synthesis Salon (MESS) meets to discuss broad aspects of systematic reviews, meta-analysis, risk-of-bias assessment, and evidence synthesis.

Alyson has extensive experience of systematic review and evidence synthesis methodology. She has a special interest in mixed methods synthesis reviews and has published an exemplar paper of synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data. 

Alyson will talk to us about mixed methods review synthesis.  Joining us  will be  Dr Quan Nha Hong of McGill University  from Montreal - who has published on Mixed methods methodology. 

Learning from Mixed methods reviews: Are they useful? What are the issues? And does the MMRS method deal with them? A discussion on principles, methods using two journal paper examples.

Mixed Methods Review Synthesis (MMRS)

'Literature review in which review authors combine qualitative, quantitative and MMR primary-level studies and apply a mixed methods approach to synthesize and integrate those studies – using qualitative, quantitative and MMR viewpoints, data collection techniques, data synthesis  techniques and inferential techniques to enhance the breadth  and depth of understanding complex phenomena, problems and topics.'(Heyvaertet al 2013) 

Alyson will discuss the specific methodology of one type of MMRS- Integrated mixed method synthesis using propositions or questions derived by the evidence by re-examining two papers she has published 

This will be followed by a general discussion about the usefulness of MMRS.

Huntley, A, King, AJL, Moore, THM, Paterson, C, Persad, R, Sharp, DJ & Evans, MA, 2017, ‘Methodological exemplar of integrating quantitative and qualitative evidence - supportive care for men with prostate cancer: what are the most important components?’. Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol 73., pp. 5-20 

Help seeking by male victims of Domestic Violence and Abuse: an integrated mixed methods analysis of systematic review evidence. Huntley et al 2020.. (under peer review  - therefore confidential).


Contact information

For further information contact Theresa Moore.

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