Euro Infectious Diseases 2020

26 October 2020, 9.30 AM - 27 October 2020, 5.30 PM

Paris, France

Euro Infectious Diseases Congress welcomes global researchers to share and exchange the latest research advancements in this field. It is dedicated to innovate solutions to the public health challenges of infectious diseases. With the interdisciplinary sessions, it is offering the best platform to all the interested members to join, share and learn beyond your field of interest which elevates your knowledge and aids in your professional development

This activity intends to have emergency medicine physicians, internists, family practitioners, hospitalists, clinicians, microbiologists, anthropologists, epidemiologists, public health practitioners, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmaceutical researchers, business professionals, scholars, residents, academicians and students along with delegate participation from organizations (industries/companies, associations/societies etc..)



Contact information

For full information see the event website, Address any enquiries to Infectiousdiseases@Conferenceengage.Org

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