EBI workshop on Interdisciplinarity in Health Research

24 February 2020, 10.30 AM - 24 February 2020, 1.00 PM

The Enderby Room, HH Wills Physics Laboratory, BS8 1TL

At the University of Bristol we are well versed in interdisciplinary research, which is a particularly strong theme in our health research. This workshop will bring together our collective experience, including the work of the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute’s Research Strand teams and colleagues across the University of Bristol. We will look at what interdisciplinarity in health research means and why it matters.  We will focus on the nature of interdisciplinarity and how we can do it better.  The workshop will be first in a programme of activities led by the Institute to showcase our interdisciplinarity, to think about using interdisciplinarity as the springboard for successful funding bids, and to develop a set of recommendations about how to enable interdisciplinarity in health research to flourish. 

Who is it aimed at: the workshop is open to University of Bristol colleagues in all Faculties with an interest in and/or experience of interdisciplinary health research.  

See provisional programme and register your place here by Friday 7 February.

Attendance is free, refreshments and lunch will be provided. 

Contact information

For further information contact ebih-admin@bristol.ac.uk

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