Chair selection process
Key guidance points are outlined below and a more detailed summary of the Chair recruitment and selection process can be found here.
Selection panel composition
- The Deputy Vice-Chancellor or a nominated Pro Vice-Chancellor.
- Other core members of the panel should normally include:
Head of School
Relevant School representatives
A panel member external to the School (eg Faculty Education or Research Director, subject expert from another School or from another institution or partner organisation; note - should not be a close collaborator with the other panel members)
- One of the academic members of the panel should normally be non-professorial.
- One of the academic members of the panel will be required to take on the Lead Recruiter role, liaising with the RA and co-ordinating the process from the School perspective.
Planning and advertising
- If a preliminary meeting is required this will normally be chaired by the Dean.
- The further particulars, including selection criteria, will need to be completed using the Chair template and in line with the relevant guidance.
- The job advert will include the latest version of the University’s equality, diversity and inclusion statement.
- Between four and six subject experts from other UK and international institutions will need to be identified to act as external assessors, to provide an assessment of the short-listed candidates.
Selection process
- A long-listing as well as a short-listing stage may be required, depending on the number of applications received.
- The Dean will chair the short-listing meeting (if a long-listing stage is required this will normally be chaired by the Lead Recruiter).
- The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (or nominated Pro Vice-Chancellor) will chair the interview stage of the process.
- The core selection panel will be responsible for determining the appropriate grade M salary range and whether a recruitment and retention supplement will be required.
- The core selection panel will carry out the main interview and normally attend candidate presentations. If a wider group of participants are desired then involvement as members of the presentation audience, sub-panels or discussion groups is preferable to setting up a larger interview panel.