Seed Corn Funding

The Jean Golding Institute offers seed corn funding every year to support and promote activities that will foster interdisciplinary research in the area of data science, based on the principle that a small financial investment will lead onto bigger things.

We have provided funding for a broad variety of topics including in Health, Digital Humanities, Life Sciences, Environment, Ethics and reproducible research and Data science for Science.

We have provided funding for staff and PGR's as well as follow on funds for previous awardees. 
Find out about current seed projects below.  

2023 PGR Seed Corn Projects

Unveiling Hidden Musical Semantics: Compositionality in Music Ngram Embeddings Zhijin Guo 
MagMap – Accurate Magnetic Characteristic Mapping Using Machine Learning Binyu Cui
Applied Machine Learning for Flint Classification in Archaeology Ruinan Wang

2023 Staff Seed Corn Projects

Synthetic Health Data for Research Support - an exemplar from a birth cohort  Mark Mumme 
Crowdsourcing Julius Pollux’s Onomasticon Naomi Scott
Using Artificial Intelligence to Decode Morphological Signatures Underpinning Neural Development James Armstrong
Using Machine Learning to Correct Probe Skew in High-frequency Electrical Loss Measurements  Jun Wang 
The opportunities for using physiological data in AI-based closed-loop systems for young adults with T1D in the UK Miranda Armstrong
Foodscapes – developing a methodology for the visualization of high-resolution biomolecular data from ancient pottery   Lucy Cramp
Creating a real-time map-based dashboard that brings together traffic and air pollution open-source data for Greater Bristol  James Matthews
Visualising Voices: “Race Talk” at Four International Congresses in Latin America (1929-1954)  Joanna Crow 
Mapping Historic Hong Kong Thomas Larkin 
Redefining UoB laboratory data security, storage, sharing, and management Peter Martin
Pilot Study to determine Tone Bias in Open-Source Skin Cancer Datasets  James Pope 
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