While you are abroad

Get urgent help, as well as support and advice while you are away.

Get help and support

Urgent help from University Security

Before you travel, you must download and install the University’s SafeZone travel safety app. Using the app, you can quicly contact University Security if you need urgent help, or let Security Officers know where you are.

Support and advice from Bristol Abroad

Contact us for support and advice while you are abroad.

Stay in contact

Your academic department

Stay in regular contact with your Study Abroad Academic Director or Language Director. Tell them which units or classes you are studying. 

University email

Check your University of Bristol email account regularly. We will use this email address to contact you. 

You can access your email using MyBristol or Outlook

Bristol Abroad on Blackboard

You will be enrolled onto our Bristol Abroad Blackboard organisation. This has essential information to help you before, during and after your placement abroad. 

While you are abroad, check Blackboard regularly for guidance and announcements. 

Changing your study plan

If you need to change your study plan you must check with your Study Abroad Academic Director or Language Director first. This is to make sure you will still earn the right number of academic credits for your time abroad to meet the Bristol degree requirements. 

Before you return

Check the Bristol Abroad Blackboard organisation for information about what you must do at the end of your placement, before you come back. This may include asking for formal documents from your host university.

Check with your host university abroad, to find out if they need any information from you before you finish your placement.

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