Facilities and analytical capabilities
The Bristol Isotope Group is housed in the School of Earth Sciences. Its facilities comprise two extensive metal-free, positive pressure, clean labs for sample preparation and a mass-spectrometry suite with, six magnetic-sector mass-spectrometers (one Thermo Finnigan Triton TIMS, two Thermo Finnigan Neptune MC-ICPMS, one Thermo Finnigan Element 2 and one prototype collision-cell MC-ICPMS/MS ‘Proteus’ and a Thermo Fisher Neoma collision-cell MC-ICPMS/MS) and two Teledyne Analyte G2 Excimer laser ablation systems. We also have a New-wave micromill, high pressure asher, microwave and Paar bomb dissolution capabilities.
We also collaborate across the university with access to a wide range of complementary facilities:
Interface Analysis Centre houses extensive analytical equipment and specialized laboratories
Accelerator Mass Spectrometer for analysis of radiocarbon