Bristol Vaccine Centre

The Bristol Vaccine Centre (BVC) is a multidisciplinary group hosted by the University of Bristol. Our aim is to develop new, better ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases.

Who we are

The Bristol Vaccine Centre (BVC) is a multi-disciplinary group of:

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Scientists
  • Laboratory support staff
  • Admin support staff

A part of the University of Bristol, we collaborate with partners within the NHS, UK and around the world.

Our leading experts provide clear understanding and guidance to the public about vaccinations. Their expertise has been utilised by the World Health Organisation and UK government for policy guidance.

This varied, collaborative approach allows us to tackle important health issues such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

What we do

We conduct commercial and non-commercial clinical trials to evaluate novel drugs and vaccines. These can range from small, early-phase safety studies through to larger efficacy trials.

We also carry out clinical research studies to find out more about the naturally occurring carriage of bacteria and/or viruses in healthy individuals, and how this changes through illness. This work can take the shape of large epidemiology-type studies or smaller lab-based research projects that use human tissue samples (blood, adenoids etc.).

Human tissue samples can also be deposited to the Bristol Biobank. The Biobank collects specimens for future use in research and has been particularly useful in helping understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted people before, during and after the pandemic period.

Bristol Vaccine Centre logo


Research Programme Manager

Dr Jenny Oliver

Telephone: +44(0)117 342 0160

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